
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

So what else is going on? I haven't written in awhile because I've been busy or a mixture of busy with lazy.

This coming weekend we're looking after Jay's kids while Jay comes away for the weekend camping up north.  Should be alright.

This past weekend we didn't do too much, I cleaned our place on Saturday while Jeff went out with Bruce to shoot off his new gun.  Sunday we got up EARLY, had a coffee then took advantage of what looked like it was going to be a beautiful day to the dog park.  The boys had fun getting dirty and then we brought them home so they could have a bath.  Now they're nice, and WHITE and soft and smell oh so good. :)

We went up to Jeff's parents the weekend before last and it was a good time up north shootin guns, re-connecting and in good company before they headed out to Florida, which is where they'll be up until just before Christmas.  Can't believe that Christmas is something like 90 days away!!  Holy crap.

Enough boring chatter, I'm out. :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

1. Do you believe in Heaven? Hmm, I believe in something but I'm not sure what that may be.

2. Have you ever come close to dying? Probably not, but certainly felt like I was at the time.

3. What jewelery do you wear 24/7? wedding rings, 2 other rings on my right hand, watch, all my piercings (they never come out) and sometime a nice necklace.

4. Would you ever consider having plastic surgery? I'd love to. Get my boobs done. Maybe a nose job but I couldn't fathom the pain and being unable to breathe through my nose at first.

5. What do you wear to bed? Depends on the night lol but most nights a tshirt or tank with pyjama bottoms.

6. Have you ever done anything illegal? Not really....

7. Who was the last person that you touched? Jeff, this morning, before he left for work.

8. Where did you eat last? In Unionville with Mom, Brian and Jeff on Monday night.

9. Besides your own blog, are there any that you routinely read but never comment on? I mainly read, some I post comments on but not very many…

10. Ever been involved with the police? On a few occasions, one being when my schizophrenic neighbour went AWOL a few years back.
11. Do you talk in your sleep? Sometimes, usually when I'm sick though.
12. Now a celebrity fantasy. Who would you take on a ménage à trois for a dirty weekend? Hmm JAX from SOA and David Beckham. lol

13. Do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life? I'm happy with where I'm at.
14. Where do you wish you were? Retired (yeah, I know, long shot eh?) and living on an island where we could dive daily and Charlie would have his beach and sunrays.
15. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Not that I can recall, no.

16. Is there any type of dancing that you love to do? White man dance. HAHAH Not really.

17. Last gift you received? Hmmmmmm.

18. Last sport you played? Sport? Hmmmmm. Well it's not a sport but some yoga yesterday, TRX last night and hiking on Sunday.

19. Last place you went on holiday? Barbados

20. Current Song? Moves like Jagger - Adam Levine and Christina Aguilera

On a totally unrelated, separate note, I may have the opportunity to go to Kenya either next year or the year after that, 2013. A co-worker of Brian's is building a house in Nairobi, Kenya and they've offered up their house to us so we can visit Kenya!!! The angels were singing as I heard this!!! So I'm super excited if I get the chance to go there, I have a whole bucket list for just Kenya alone for things I want to see and places to go.