
Friday, October 28, 2011

Holy Hannah, have Jeff and I been sick this week.  He started feeling like shit last Saturday and then went to get meds for it Sunday morning.  Then I fell ill on Wednesday.  I think it's been a long time coming, been definitely feeling like shit for a few weeks now and have been waiting for the ball to drop on that one, so to speak.

I think I'll be staying home tomorrow while Jeff goes to Barrie and helps Jay with Tyler's 9th birthday party. 

Sunday I'm going to aerial silks, sick or not, I do not care. :)

xox Here's to getting healthy again!

Monday, October 24, 2011

It's just another Manic Monday...........................

Don't Monday's come entirely too fast? Especially for the working folk that don't have the luxury of working from home...

Jeff spent all of yesterday getting/being sick.  Poor guy has been coughing up a storm and I think as a result, as pulled a muscle in his shoulder/back.  He's definitely been in bad shape.  He said he felt a bit better this morning but stayed at work for 2 hours before calling it a day.

Saturday we had gone down to the travel show put on by Flight Centre.  What a waste of a drive in traffic on the 401.  We were in and out in a matter of 12-15 minutes.  Got some brochures for Africa, ideas all just the same, since I pretty much know what we're doing in Kenya when were there.  I'm just looking for a 3 to 5 day trip to Tanzania possibly.  We'll see, we've got time to decide.    Lots of money to save.  Must get passport renewed next year before we head out for more diving.  Must get visa's to Kenya and Tanzania before we go and a whole ton of shots and needles before we go.  I know it's far away but it's still exciting all the same :)

Pretty gloomy weather-wise here today.  Yesterday was nice and sunny but Summer is long gone and I'm angrily (kidding lol) waiting for the cold and snow to come.  It was something like -5 out in Regina this morning.  Oooh not my cup of tea.

Anyways, gotta run.  Take it easy and be well :)

Friday, October 14, 2011

I was thinking just last night that I need to write more and if need's be, carry a small note pad around with me for things that I can talk about when I'm blogging.  I find myself blanking out all the time when I sit in front of the computer and go to write a blog.  I just find myself reading other blogs and I think I'm just not that creative.  Maybe? Who knows....

Seems that diving season is over.  That's one thing that sucks about where we live.  We have cold temperatures for what seems like 8 to 9 months a year and clearly that is not conducive to owning your own scuba gear and having a penchant for getting into warm water.  Sure I immersed myself in water that was in the 60s this past summer, wearing a 7mm wetsuit over it, mind you, but still.  Needless to say there will not be any ice diving for this girl over here, no siree bob.  Speaking of, I'm thinking that either say next June or July, we'll end up going away for 2 weeks.  More than likely it'll be Cozumel.  We've never been and it's supposed to be one of the best diving spots in the world.  It's either there or Barbados again and we'll hook up with Fatima and her crew at the Dive Shop to do up our AOW.  That is, if we can find a good enough deal, so we'll see.

One good thing that I'm looking forward to for snow is snowshoeing.  I really liked doing that last winter and it's a good burn.  Jeff said he'd be down for a lot more of that this winter.  Just realised yesterday that I didn't rollerblade at all this year.  I'm so embarassed that I bought these brand spanking new blades summer of 2010 and I've yet to wear them.  WTF is with that? And it's not that I'm lazy, clearly I'm not given that I go to the gym at least 5 times a week, but dang.....I think it's because I never wanted to go by myself.  And Jeff worries that I'll fall and break my neck or something crazy, but that's cool because that's totally legit, I'm a putz and I know it.  Gotta do some rollerblading next year for sure!!

Not sure what the game plan is for tonight.  Christina may come down for a visit after work.  Alex may come down tomorrow to stay the weekend with us, but we don' t know for sure yet.  Greg is supposed to come by tonight too.  I think I'll take the boys out for a nice long walk if it's not pouring.  Tomorrow morning I have to be at Mitsubishi for an oil change...No clue why I thought it was a good idea to go that early, I guess to get it out of the way, but man, no sleeping in for me it seems.  That's alright though, I'll just take a book.  And I'm flying through books lately so that's okay with me.  I think in the past 2 weeks I've read 4 or 5 books and I've got one on deck waiting for me that I can't wait to get into.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Can you believe it's already half way through October?  For crying out loud, that means that snow will soon be among us :(
Can you believe it's already half way through October?  For crying out loud, that means that snow will soon be among us :(

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thanksgiving Weekend!

Man has it ever been a long week.  Feels like Friday should have come along days ago.  Work has been extremely busy, which is really good.  Guess Scuba Diving is over for the year, I was hoping that maybe this would be our last weekend but it's too chilly.  Temperatures have drastically dropped over the last few weeks and I gotta say, I'm not enjoying it one bit.

Tonight I've gotta clean a bit, since I don't want to be cleaning all weekend.  Gotta walk the dogs as well, in addition to making dinner.  We'll see if Jeff ends up coming over, I've been a zombie this entire week so we'll see aka do I feel like driving to Bradford or not, is the question.

We're having dinner at my mom's place on Sunday.  Saturday we're going to Unionville to walk around and do some geocaching.  I think Monday will be a chill day, I think I plan on making a beef stew, which should be interesting since I've never made one before.

I think next weekend is a birthday party for two girls that I know that are turning 30.  Not sure if I feel like going considering I think I only get an invitation by default of knowing them and for numbers... and possibly a gift.  These people really don't give a rat's ass about me or attempt to be what a real friend is so I dunno.

The dogs have been really good lately.  Jeff on the other hand, since we were at his brother's this past weekened, he'll start out going to bed at night and then I wake up in the morning and he's on the couch.  LOL  He loves that thing, it's hilarious.

Gonna post some pics...Really like the top one of me. Jeff took that this summer up at his parents place on their deck.  Some pics of the dogs, Jeff and I and some pics from the gorgeous Ele's at ALS.

Toodles xox!