
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bye bye BlackBerry, hello iPhone :)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Random pictures of the day

A picture that Jeff likes of us :)

This picture has been rotated, uintially it was upside down and Baxter showing his teeth as he was chillin on the couch.  That's him smiling :) lol

Day 1 with Krissy

Saturday, July 28, 2012

He fights so fucking dirty... ARGH I normally don't write a blog in the middle of an argument but he isn't here, but rather we're arguing over text while he's at the drive in with his 2 friends trying to guilt trip me for not being there but plans suddenly changed and yet EVERYONE knew this afternoon the clients I had to visit so there was no negotiating me being able to go, it just wasn't going to happen because spots get taken early... ah what does it matter.  It's always something, anything...everything, isn't it?  I'm really getting irritated and frustrated that I'm always blamed for everything.

He feels alone.  I don't understand how or why.  I ask him to do this thing or that thing, sometimes he does or doesn't want to do with me, or if he wants to try new things... like fuck don't get me wrong, I enjoy yoga.  That is something that we don't do as a couple nor can I ever seeing it as such, even if I wanted to.. I just don't see Jeff getting yoga like that, ya know?  So there's that, I go to yoga classes and enjoy that and so what, if it makes me a better person than wouldn't that be a good thing?  I know that I clean the yoga studio for 3-4 hours a week for unlimited yoga but how is that bad? It's not like I come home and he's in bed and I don't see him at all.  Not at all.  Or there's my dog walking/pet sitting job.  That is usually one weekend at least a month but sometimes 2 if things are busy or I'm covering someone's weekend  But I always, always ask if it's okay if I do something and frankly, I don't even have to but I do it as a courtesy because I care what he thinks.  I just don't get out it seems like he gets insanely jealous when I'm out and doing one of these things or out for ONCE with a my god, I'm not running around rampant, so how can I make him feel alone? I dote on him all the time, we're not frigid, we talk, we joke... so what gives.  Tell me HOW, because I just don't get it...

Sorry I know I'm rambling but I just don't get it.  I'm not a genius, I know I'm not a peach, there's alot of things that I don't know or I'm stubborn or stupid, but I don't get how the one person I adore, that I'm always talking to, texting, thinking of whatever, says he feels alone.

When it's good, it's fan-freaking-tastic.  But when it's not, it sucks.  Really, really sucks.

Yoga in the morning in the park/  ARGH there's a slow fly inside our condo and it's driving me bonkers! Ahhh!

Anyways, they are still out, it's almost 11.  If they all come back from the drive in after the first movie, they'll be back by 12:30 I'm thinking, almost 1.. Otherwise, prob by 2 am.  I think I'm going to bed soon.  Been up since 6 am and have to visit the three cats near L.W.  Must visit Krissy early in the morning to turn on her radio and open her blinds and give her food for the day until I go back to see her.  I took some pretty cool pictures and video of her today.  She was spectacular.  Quiet when I came in, a few minutes to warm up and the second I opened her age, no hesitation on her part, she stuck her foot out and let me take her our of her cage.  Needless to say she was all over the place, singing, dancing, yelling, screaming, letting me kiss her cheeks and beak (!!).  She was also checking out my freckles, which was pretty funny to see.  Definitely not a shy girl but man oh man, she was not happy when I left her. The screaming that ensued....oof.  I could hear it getting into the car parked out front on their curb.  lol

Ok that's enough ranting and raving and I'm friggin exhausted and have to do this all over again tomorrow. xo

Friday, July 27, 2012

Goofing around the other night at the yoga studio with Erin xo

and this was for Jeff hahahha

Thursday, July 26, 2012

If you really knew me......

you'd know that I love shoes and my love for shoes started at the ripe age of 15 when I got my first job at Aldo shoes.

you would know that I love animals beyond belief, especially dogs and elephants.  The way I feel about elephants, especially, is different in that I just can't put into words how deeply I feel about them.  It's indescribeable.

you'd know that I don't have any siblings.

you'd know that even though Jeff bugs me on the best of days, there's really no one I'd rather spend my time with than him and our two dogs.  I love Jeff very, very much and he inspires me to be a better person every day.

you'd know that I'm a creature of habit and very predictable. 

you'd know that I'm borderline OCD.

you'd know that I'd give the shirt off my back because I'm just a caring, thoughtful person like that.

you'd know that I'm a true redhead through and through. And a scorpio to boot. Aka, look out! LOL

you'd know that one day I will get my Harlequin Great Dane.

you'd know that I'd love to move to Africa,

you'd know that I hate brussel sprouts.  Like, hate them so much that I used to eat them to appease my mother when I was younger and then run to the bathroom and throw/spit them up.   Ugh, shudder

you'd know that I love yoga and that hopefully in the next couple of years I'll do my yoga teacher training.

you'd know that if you cross me one to many times, you're not considered a friend anymore. 

you'd know that I have no problem whatsoever telling you what I really think.

you'd know that I don't have room for drama, pettyness, cattiness and drama in my life. Thankyouverymuch.

you'd know that I adore my dogs and that I'm forever brushing them so they're all frou frou.

you'd know that I hate browsing or window shopping.  I like to be in and out.  On a mission.

you'd know that I love reading.  I have a stack of about 10 books that are waiting for me on deck at the moment.

you'd know that I love buying gifts for people.  I just love making people happy in general, I'm definitely a people pleaser and put others before myself, often times when I shouldn't.

you'd know that I have 20 piercings and 4 tattoos.....with another 4 tattoos waiting to be inked on my lily white skin.

you'd know that I used to model when I was 13-15 I believe.  I used to mainly do trade shows and hair conventions.  Everyone loved my hair.  It went from my waist and the shortest it was ever cut was a couple of inches.  I've had it every colour under the sun except for black, I think.  Bleaching my hair killed my hair when I was younger and I had to stop because eventually my hair felt like straw.  Strawberry blond is all me, baby.  All me.  I'm currently trying to grow out my hair and it's so frustrating because all I do is put it up now because it's so flippin humid here this past month.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Some pictures from our swimming/dock diving day this past Saturday. 

Charlie did amazingly well with his jacket on, confident puppy = a happy puppy.  If he wasn't using his tail as a rudder, it was wagging as he swam :)

How can you not love these two?  Baggy with his afro that he's managed to keep dry and then there's disheveled Charles, dripping wet lol

Three Stooges - Lily, Charlie and Baxter :)
Had a great weekend.  Saturday morning at the pool, then home, then shower, bath the dogs, then Mom's to give Oliver meds, then up to Willow Beach to meet with the ladies I used to work with at Stokes about 12 years ago.  Very cool and awesome to reconnect.  After all this time, we've still managed to all keep in touch and it was a great afternoon.  Came home for dinner and chilled with Jeff and Alex (who came down).  Sunday morning was yoga with Jenn Pike in the park and boy, let me tell you, it was stifling hot out for 9:30 am.  After that class, swung home and then we headed up to Lagoon City to Alex's so we could hang out on the boat for the afternoon and we did just that.  I'll post some of those pics when I get them up.  Awesome afternoon with the albino kids trying to get sun on the bow of the boat aka Greg and I.  Dare I say I got some sun but didn't burn my ass off.  Then we headed back into the lagoon say around 6 and had a wonderful steak dinner, just the four of us with Alex's dad, Ron.  Perfect end to a great weekend.

Now it's Tuesday.....

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

So I met this wonderful person today by chance at my doctor's office.  I didn't really want to go to the doctors but had to go because self-diagnosing is no good and as useful and helpful of a tool that the internet and Google is in this day in ages, it can frighten the shit out of you.  A friend of mine and I and a couple of ladies were chatting on the train home last week and one was telling me about their step-daughter who was going through some rough times.  I can relate with her because I've also been where she is and have felt the things she's felt, when some days facing the world seems like an impossible task.  It really just broke my heart when my friend was telling me about her.  So anyways, today I went to the doctors and low and behold there was my friend and her step-daughter.  I spoke with them for maybe 5-10 minutes and I really felt like she touched my soul, like this really intimate connection and I think she felt it too because as we talked, she was nearly in tears.  Poor poor girl, it really breaks my heart to see someone hurting and feeling like they're all alone.  I've been there. Hell, I still have bad days.  But anyways, I really don't want to talk about her too much, but I think we're going to become real good friends. She's such a beautiful woman and she doesn't even know it.

This Saturday we're taking the dogs dock diving again, more like Baxter will go and Charlie will be on the dock being a mouth piece barking away all cheeky-like. LOL

Sunday morning, of course I look forward to yoga in the park... I think I may bring that girl I described above, get her outside and breathing some warm, fresh air in the park.

Gotta run, dinner's on.  Then yoga tonight. Peace xo

Monday, July 16, 2012

And then there was Monday...

I'm flippin exhausted today.  I slept on the couch last night, or rather "slept"/cried myself to sleep.  Sick and tired of always being in the wrong or never being able to do something right or good enough.  ARGH I'm so angry because every discussion/argument turns into a this whole "shit on Lindsay" diatribe.  Why can't anyone love me for ME?  I never claimed to be perfect or even half way there..... but give me a fucking break, I'm not that bad.... Or am I?  People are so quick to judge and point the fingers at others than looking in their own "backyard".  Right now things are a bit stressful and awkward.  I don't know what's going to happen, even.  Maybe I need to be alone with my sadness and self-depravity instead of hurting or disappointing others like I often or always do.

The weekend? Eh, it was the weekend.  No point in writing about it if I'm not feeling it.....

Friday, July 13, 2012

Did I mention that I bought that purple-y long skirt down below? And I love it so. And bonus - cheaper than I'd had thought, as it was on sale.  Also got this cute little top for cheap:

Cute, no?
Jeff is up north at his parents and coming back later

Things I have accomplished today on my day off: a nice long walk with the dogs this morning at sunrise, a nice long nap that I've been looking forward to for such a long time (!!), cleaned our bathroom, caught up on reality tv, blogged (I'm getting better) and I'm going to have Mexican food shortly with Greg.  I asked him if he wanted to come over for dinner so that I wasn't wasting any food and he said he was planning on the Mexican and that if I wanted, his treat, I could join. Hello! Not going to turn that down, LOVE that Mexican joint, it's the best thing since sliced bread. LOL.

I am salivating as I wait.....
It's 6:32 am and I've decided to take a personal day to myself since I'm so dead at work, essentially until Monday when my boss gets back.  It's either that or I go to work and pretend I'm working, which is oh so fun, not to mention you watch the clock all bloody day.

Last night I cleaned the yoga studio; Jeff went up north early after work yesterday afternoon so he could spend some time with his dad at the range.

Just sipping on a coffee before I take the dogs out for a stroll since it's early and before it gets too hot.

Looks like were going to Center Island this weekend; Greg's dad wants to take some pictures and he wants to take some pictures of us during the magic hour where everything just glows that perfect colour/shot.

Today I'll just take it easy, do some filing that I've been meaning to get to for awhile, catch up on some reality tv (aka crap, according to J - lol).  Gonna try to get to yoga today too.  :)  Peace!  If you're up, GO BACK TO BED!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Old Navy skirt

Loving this skirt from Old Navy, I've been thinking about since Monday when I tried it on.

Baxter chillin in my mom's backyard last weekend

Furrowing my brow at Jeffy

Mr. Oliver just enjoying being outside :)
L-R - Quincey, Baxter and Delilah

Baxter giving my mom kisses

Jeff and his buddy, Baxter

Shameless self-portrait

Mom with her boy, Oliver

Monday, July 9, 2012

Being a woman sucks sometimes, that is all. 

Jeff's eye is much better.  He also went to the hand clinic at the hospital today and no tendon/ligament damage, it's just atrophied so he's going to have to do some therapy with it now.  Better than surgery, though.
Great weekend but far too short, naturally.

Went to Mom's yesterday afternoon for a BBQ.  Will post pictures later.


Saturday, July 7, 2012

Poor Jeff scratched his cornea.. Spent 3 hours at the hospital last night and his eye already looks better with the antibiotic drops they gave him.

We didn't go dock diving this morning; it was thunder and lightning and pouring rain.  She offered us to come by this afternoon but because we're going out for dinner for Jeff's parents 40th anniversary tonight, he doesn't  want to be rushed getting ready, which I understand.  So we'll just have to figure out a date in August.  Kinda bummed but that's okay.

I just had a massive bowl of Vector cereal for breakfast.  Mmm that stuff is so good!

Going to chill for the rest of the day and then head out for a late dinner in Alliston later on while Alex (who's visiting) goes out for sushi with Greg.

Friday, July 6, 2012

What is it about short weeks that are so exhausting? Is it because you have that extra day of shit to make up for that you don't actually have? Everyone is tired here at work this week, myself included. My calves have been screaming at me all week. Been at the gym every day, some days even twice if you count going to yoga at night, too. Last night I did my first night of "energy exchange" at YS. In exchange for 4 hours of my time per week, I get an unlimited yoga pass that's worth $140 per month. How frickin' cool is that?!? I think that's more than fair and since I like cleaning because I'm a weirdo like that, it's perfect for me because it's just light cleaning - some vacuuming, some light mopping... Really easy shit. I'm beyond stoked about that and extremely blessed and grateful.


This has taken me a bit to write. I just got back from a core class and a kickboxing/martial arts class and that kicked my behind.

What is it with people and apparently failing to look at themselves in the mirror before they leave home? Whether it's visible panty lines (awful ones, at that), or wearing pattern or stripey underwear whilst wearing white or wearing something completely inappropriate, or women pairing tights with everything and not realising that most of them are SEE-THROUGH. I don't even so much as like them on me, even at the gym, but I'm not parading around in tights so everyone can stare at the cottage cheese on my ass. And I've come to the conclusion that 99% of women have cellulite, no matter how thin or big you are. My ass has gotten smaller lately, I think.

Can't wait to get into the pool with the dogs tomorrow morning.

Here's a few pictures Alex took last weekend. xo

Sleepy puppies after we went to the beach

Canada Day fireworks...getting eaten alive by mosquitos.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Praise the People who care!!!

A four man anti-poaching team permanently guards a Northern White Rhino on Ol Pejeta Conservancy in Kenya, 13 July 2011. The Ol Pejeta Conservancy is an important “not-for-profit” wildlife conservancy in the Laikipia District of Kenya and the largest sanctuary for black rhinos in East Africa. It is also the home of 4 of the world’s remaining 8 Northern White Rhino, t...he worlds most endangered animal. There has been an increase in poaching incidents on Ol Pejeta recently, in line with a massive worldwide increase in rhino poaching linked to the rise in the Asian middle class. Anti-poaching teams provide close protection to the rhino, with 24 hour observation over all rhino on Ol Pejeta and 24 hour armed guard protection over the 4 Northern White Rhino who are kept in their own Boma area. The team have developed extraordinary relationships with these Rhino, leaning on them, scratching them and displaying tremendous affection towards these most endangered of animals. Each of the men in these teams feels a genuine vocation towards the protection of these animals, something the rhino seem to sense, and this emerges on a daily basis as the men walk with the rhino through their day.

Absolutely magnificent.  One of the world's last white rhino's in Eastern Africa.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Old draft posts I'm posting...

Some things about me.....

1.When my alarm goes off each morning, the very first thing I think is: I HAVE to go to bed earlier tonight.  Same shit, different day. Rinse, lather and repeat.

2. I have an order that I drink beverages daily.  I usually have 2 cups of coffee, and then I will not drink anything else until I've drank at least 2 litres of water.  Then it's a free for all.

3.I used to drink a lot of coffee when I was 15/16 and then quit for some years before I ever drank coffee again.

4.I despise red wine.  I'm not fond of the tannins (sp?) or the accompanied headaches that come along with it.

5.  I played out the bar scene and alcohol long before I was of legal age, that's the beauty of always being the youngest one.

6.  I'm a creature of habit, nothing that I do should surprise you.  Spontaneity is not my forte, I like things planned out.

7.  I'm your typical fair-skinned strawberry blond with a sweet temper to go along with it. :)

8.  Jeff and I dated nearly six years before we got married.  He proposed at the 5 year mark.  I loved every second of planning the wedding, so much so that I miss it.

9.  We moved in together (I think) in 2005.  Prior to that we lived at home with our parents.

10. We went to Cuba for the first time on our honeymoon.

11.  When I was younger up until my early 20's, I always had multiple jobs, up to three at one point.

12.  We have 2 dogs that are our "children", Charlie and Baxter.

13.  I don't have any siblings.  Jeff has a brother.  Jeff was also adopted when he was just 2 weeks old.

14.  Kids:  I used to think that I didn't want any children but it's funny what happens to you as you get older.  I think I'd like to have one child, that's it.  I'm not asking for half a dozen or anything...

15. I have an unfounded worry that I won’t be able to have kids and I'm not really sure why.

16.  On the same note, I'm terrified of getting fat or becoming like my Dad's parents. I don't think I could ever, ever let myself go and not care what I look like.

17. Nothing annoys Jeff more is when I'm negative and beating myself up.  I am my own worst critic.

18. I love home renovation shows, wedding planning, photography and decorating

19.  I've worked in the legal field since graduating from both college programs I was in.  After having been at a large Toronto firm for five years, I threw in the towel and found something that didn't make me want to kill myself on a daily basis.  I'm much happier and have been with my current employer since July 2010.

20.  I quit smoking on November 13, 2011 after about12 years or so give or take of smoking.  It hasn't been easy but here I am and I'm proud, dammit.

21.  I've never been religious but my beliefs are that there is something out there, I'm not sure what but something or someone is or was a higher being than just us humans.  I don't believe that our souls die when our bodies physically die, then just move on to another plain of existence.

22.I was born in Toronto.  I've lived in 3 places since I was born.  Our condo in Toronto, then Newmarket when I was 6 and then moved in with Jeff in 2006 with Jeff.

23.  I never have gotten a speeding ticket or been pulled over by police. Knock on wood.  I have had two car accidents though, one on the highway during rush hour where I spun out and hit the guard rail several times over.  The other time was just sheer stupidity, rain and darkness. 

24.  If I have the financial ability to quit my job and go back to school, it would be something related to animals most definitely, whether it be dogs or big animals like elephants.  Then I would try to find a job in Kenya, a country that I've never been to (but intend to in 2013/2014) but I feel that is just calling out my name.  I can't explain it but I know I have a greater purpose in this life.

25.  I've had stitches in my right eyebrow twice in a matter of a week (bonked heads with a little girl when I was younger when I already had stitches in), I've also had stitches in my left eye (courtesy of a great storm door who's chain was far too short and the door came lurking back at my face) and then I've had maxillofacial surgery and stitches alllllllllll over and inside my mouth.

26.  I've never broken a bone in my life other than perhaps a toe.

27. I always wear the same jewellery.  Same earrings in my ears forever now (all 13 of them), my wedding rings, my square ring that Jeff got me and all my other piercing jewellery.

28. I love books and pretty papers and notebooks.  LOL.

29.  I've had braces twice.  First time around after they took them off, they noticed my jaw shifting (I also had TMJ too) so they decided to remove all my wisdoms, braces back on for another year and then jaw surgery.  WOO.  Fun times.

30.  I'd love to have the endurance to be a runner.  Plus, it's so boring.

31.  Must travel locations: Maldives, Galapagos Islands, Namibia, Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania, Congo, Borneo, India, Thailand, Belize... and so many more.

32.  My favorite destination:  Barbados, it's such a chill island and the people are fabulous there.

33.  I've had two horrible, horrible, horrific sunburns in my life, once when I was in Greece and the other was when I was in Spain.  Both peeled, blistered and scabbed.  And then I acquired a gazillion more freckles.  Such is life.  lol

34.  I'm a nut job for writing things down because I fear I will forget.

35.  I'm 5'9.  I feel as though I was gipped in height because I was estimated at birth to be in between 5'10 and 6'2.  Oh well.

36.  I hate the cold only because I'm always cold to begin with.  Oddly enough, I live in Canada so it's not very conducive to warmer months other than say June - September.

37.  The household chore I detest the most is cleaning the toilet or laundry.

38.  I would love to be a vegetarian because of my beliefs but I would either perish or die of an allergic reaction.  I'd definitely need to see a dietician before I went as far as that.

39.  I'm a total yoga and spiritual freak and I love every second of it because it calms the chaos in my head and soothes my oh-so-lovely temper. :)

40.  I write this blog because it's good for my soul to put words down on "paper" and get it out.  Bottling it all up in my head does not produce favourable outcomes.

Posting some old drafts.....

1. Do you believe in Heaven? Hmm, I believe in something but I'm not sure what that may be.

2. Have you ever come close to dying? Probably not, but certainly felt like I was at the time.

3. What jewelery do you wear 24/7? wedding rings, 2 other rings on my right hand, my watch, all my piercings (they never come out) and sometime a nice necklace. Oh and my mala beads/lotus beads.

4. Would you ever consider having plastic surgery? I'd love to, to be honest.  I've never been happy with my breasts and while I'm a 32 C, it's really nothing to write home about.  Maybe a nose job as well, but I couldn't fathom the pain and being unable to breathe through my nose at first.

5. What do you wear to bed? Depends on the night lol but most nights a tshirt or tank with pyjama bottoms or shorts.

6. Have you ever done anything illegal? Not

7. Who was the last person that you touched? Jeff, this morning, before he left for work.

8. Where did you eat last? I had dinner last night at home.  Well half of it.  I was too pissed off to eat the rest.
9. Besides your own blog, are there any that you routinely read but never comment on? I mainly read, some I post comments on but not very many…I guess I'm what you would call a "lurker" lol

10. Ever been involved with the police? On a few occasions, one being when my schizophrenic neighbour went AWOL a few years back.

11. Do you talk in your sleep? Sometimes, usually when I'm sick though.

12. Now a celebrity fantasy. Who would you take on a ménage à trois for a dirty weekend? Hmm JAX from SOA and David Beckham. lol

13. Do you feel that you’ve had a truly successful life? I'm happy with where I'm at.
14. Where do you wish you were? Retired (yeah, I know, long shot eh?) and living on an island where we could dive daily and Charlie would have his beach and sunrays and Baxter would just be content because he's just happy to be.
15. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Not that I can recall, no.

16. Is there any type of dancing that you love to do? White man dance. HAHAH Not really.

17. Last gift you received? Flowers & a card.
18. Last sport you played? Sport? Hmmmmm. Well it's not a sport but some yoga, spinning yesterday.  Hiking all weekend.
19. Last place you went on holiday? Barbados

20. Current Song? Dunno.
Things I'd like to mention, in no particular order of importance:

- Some people should not be able to procreate.
- Some people should not drink.
- Some people need not to be so hypocritical.  Pot, meet kettle. 
- Oh and it really, really hurts when you think I care more about the dogs than I do you.  Come on, seriously? 
- Some people find it necessary to post every little detail about their relationship on facebook.  There's no need to tell your bf or gf something on their wall when you're sitting RIGHT NEXT TO THEM.  People like that need validation in their life. 

- It's almost the weekend again.  Hallejuiah to that.

Saturday we're taking the dogs up to the pool again and see if they can wow us again.  I fully expect to be once again amazed by Baxter.  Charlie, we'll see.  He's a mouthy one, so we'll see if he'll want to get in the water.  Later that evening, we're heading up to the Nottawasaga to celebrate Jeff's parents 40th wedding anniversary.  Ja's been a complete douchebag trying to get this plan together.  What else is new, I suppose.  Ja just likes to make it about him and likes to hear himself whine and complain.

Sunday morning I'm doing yoga in the park, as usual.  Love feeling the wind blow over me ever so softly..its very relaxing.  Later on in the afternoon, Mom's having a BBQ that we'll be heading over to.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

My long weekend was exactly what I needed and then some, perfect weather and all. 

Friday, Alex came down later on in the evening after dinner. 

Saturday morning came along and I woke at dawn and went to feed Mia and Month in Aurora, as well as giving Mia her life saving medicine.  Afterwards, went back home and made some breakfast for us all and then by about 10 I declared that the day was getting on and that I wanted to get on it and head out to the Beaches dog park sooner rather than later because it was going to be a hot day.  What a fun day it turned out to be.  The dogs had a lot of fun, neither one of them fussing with any of the dogs much, just thrilled to run around in the sand, rocks and water.  Was so glad they went in on their own, too.  I tailed Baxter while Jeff tailed Charles.  I thought maybe Baxter had perhaps cut his toe or foot on some of the sharp rocks and that sand had penetrated it, so I picked him up and rinsed him in the water and then carried him out of the park and onto the boardwalk.  I met up with a co-worker while I was down there and she was able to meet the pups too.  Greg and Alex came along too.  Then we parted ways as I thought it'd be a wise idea to head home and let the dogs snooze.  So I left them be for an hour, then I decided it was time to bathe them and get them looking back to white once again.  Needless to say, they were sleeping for the balance of the evening and even into the next day, only briefly waking to come out and say hello or come out for food or if they smelled food. :)  Sunday involved heading out to Main Street to check out some of the local vendors and possibly the beer tent.  While Main street was polluted with people (and dogs, which I might add was too hot for them to be there, but hey!), I saw my petsitting boss (and subsequently got a photo of us taken together too - not sure who took it though?), we saw my mom, aunt and step-dad there as well.  The beer tent was polluted with people early and the line to get into the beer tented area was winding.  We walked around for a bit, grabbed a bite to eat.  And then walking back up the street about to head out, I zoom in on a BABY 9 week old Harlequin Dane with the loveliest prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen.  She was a darling.  She had weighed 21 lbs, gaining 7 lbs from a week before.  Girlfriend is going to be huge, she had massive paws on her.  I just loved gushing over her, I was literally just a smiling awe of a mess. lol.

Later on that evening, we walked over to Richardson park so that we could watch the fireworks, which actually was a great display.  We joked afterwards that our taxes are going to go up now.  I met a new friend there named Piper.  He's a 2 year old Bichon that lives just down the street from us.  What a laid back little guy, and he didn't mind the fireworks one bit! 

Then comes Monday, our statutory holiday as the previous day was Canada Day.  This morning we slept in just a bit and didn't do too much.  I had to return some keys for pet sitting, I went to visit my friend Sheila (aka the one with four dogs, particularly little Ella, the English Bull dog.  Man she's grown!  And her and Godfrey, the frenchie, had a scrap as to who could get the most attention.  They actually had to be seperated lol.  Funny kids.

And then, this morning around 2 am I awoke, stomach grumbling, only to know what's going to come along.  Man was I ever sick this morning.  Been feeling like crap ever since then, really.

Anyways, that's all for today.  The end. <3