
Sunday, December 30, 2012

More picture story telling time

Dancers pose at the range lol. Charlie in a sunbeam. Baxter's creepy eye. New Lululemon Wunder Under crops. Headband. And sweater and pants, both 50% off!!!!!! 😁😜😍

Blah! Have to goto work in the morning and actually do shit. Man, but I'll be able to head out early which is alright.

Night night! oxo

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Up north again

So I sit here and type away as Jeff and his dad shoot some paper practicing for IDPA drills. I left Jeff up at his parents on boxing day so I could come back down to our place to get into work Thursday and Friday. I left work early yesterday, took the dogs to moms to stay for the night and today and then made my way up north. I didn't make it before dark but I made grey time... Blew a headlight on the way up which explained why it seemed darker. I guess it wasn't just the dark, country road.

So today were at the indoor ranged or a bit, then we'll go back to Jeff's pare ys and make an early dinner/late lunch and head 'er back home tonight and get the kidlets from moms house 😍

I leave you with some pictures of Charlie the suck from the other night 😊

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Christmas was a flurry of driving around, house to house, here there everywhere. It went by in a flash too because I only had the statutory holiday days off.

We had Chinese with Greg on Xmas eve, Jeff passed out just before midnight, to which I woke him up and insisted we open our gifts to eachother because it's something we've typically done together every year because were always schlepping around from house to house. I got a beautiful watch and some Lululemon underwear 😍 Jeff got some tshirts, a mountain hardware hoodie, a gc to get some hats and a Saddleback leather wallet from Texas he's been eyeing forever. Although now I'm totally dry for ideas for his birthday which is at the end of January. He's so hard to buy for, if he wants something he either gets it and saves for it. I'll have to think about that more....

Christmas morning we woke up, showered and then went over to my moms for breakfast and to open some gifts. Breakfast was yummy albeit long but in good company. As you can see from the picture evidence, lots of pictures were taken and the dogs were so helping in partaking in the festivities around the tree, rooting around in bags, stepping on presents and ripping paper. Such mosey little boys and I say boys because mom's two couldn't be bothered with mucking li and around the tree. We scored amazingly well at moms - cologne and perfume, from Brian, who else? ; a gc to our favourite Mexican restaurant fr my Aunt, a blazer, skirt, top, pyjamas, slippers, and two sweet gift cards to Jacob and Lululemon respectively, all from mom and the puppies (such helpful little shoppers lol). For Jeff my mom got him two sweet gc's to Bass Pro and one for MWW and some pyjamas. My Momma definitely spoils me, can you tell I'm her only child? One image that seems seared in my brain is one that my mom told me last night while I was o over picking up the boys... She said Jeff almost looked sad as he watched me open more gifts... I don't know why, sad maybe not the word but whatever t is, it kinda makes me sad too. He made out really well so it's not that. But then again I feel like I looked and may have felt similarly when he was opening all of his gifts from his parents. Regardless, I'm thankful and grateful for all that my mom does for us and for me. Life would be a much more empty/sad place without my. Mom in it. I hate thinking about the passage of time because I want my Momma to live forever.

Alright I'm done being a sap lol On to happier thoughts.

Following breaking and opening gifts, it was after 12 so we decided that we should leave as we'd have a long drive ahead of us.  Made it up north in decent time, not much traffic going northbound.  I was up at my in-laws less than 24 hours before I came home.. the joys of working today and tomorrow.  Jeff stayed up with his parents to spend some time with them, which is fine with me, his mother isn't too well.. she has COPD, that lovely smoker's disease.

Baxter, at my mom's Christmas morning, just after having gotten there. He looks quite happy eh? :) 

Shy Delilah, my mom's youngest Bichon

Don't you just love all the cheesy face pictures I post all the flippin time?! 

Baxter helping my mom to find something in the cupboard.. he's so helpful.. er, nosey? 

Even better!

Daddy, Charlie and Momma


Charlie ready to start the unwrapping!!

Rest in Peace - Muffin (my Grandma's dog), Fancy, Blizzard and Oliver - they all celebrate with us 

Charlie sitting with his Pa

Momma and Delly

Any guesses who's the nosey parker?  Baxter!!

"Hi Mom!"

Charlie with his Nana, man does he ever adore her. 

My new watch Jeff got me

Pretty, cold, up north.  Almost at the inlaws.
The rest are taken up at the in-laws:

Jeff with his new electronic head phones for the range

Some new bracelet bangles form my MIL

Delicious dinner! Mmmm!

Can you spot the woodpecker?
And the below are from when I went to go pick up the kids from my Mom's on Boxing day when I came home from up north:

They all love her so much lol

Charlie stealing kisses from Nana

The beginning of what we were starting to get on Boxing day night..

Plum tuckered Charlie. Oh life is rough. :)

That's it for now, my head is killing me so this is where I stop writing.  

Peace :)

Questions of Three's

I found this on another blog and I just HAD to do my own. :)
Three yoga poses that I love:
      1. Tittibhasana
      2. Sun Salutation series
      3. Utthita Trikonasana or triangle pose
Three workouts that I love:
      1. Yoga/Hot Yoga
      2. Spinning
      3. Body Combat
Three of the worst things to happen while working out:
      1. Tightness in the hips
      2. Foot or hamstring cramp
      3. Blowing out the ass of your leggings.. I can only imagine, this has not, I repeat not happened to me, thank goodness :)
Three of the best things to happen while working out:
      1. Mood and endorphin release
      2. My overall attitude and self esteem is at its best
      3. Feeling great about the work you're doing
Three workouts that I’ve never done (but would be willing to try):
      1. CrossFit
      2. Circus Arts (trapeze, that sort of thing)
      3. Hmm not sure, I'll come back to this
Three pieces of exercise equipment I use most often:
      1. Yoga mat
      2. Bosu ball
      3. Elastic tension bands
Three fitness goals:
      1. Enrol and complete my YTT
      2. Do a half marathon?  (unrealistic IMO)
      3. do a Tough Mudder type challenge.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Life lately...

So it's Christmas Eve........................

I've eaten far too much chocolate, shortbread and chips in the last week, it's digusting.  I don't want anymore.  Any my Doritos, they're gone too.  I can't handle waking up and feeling like shit afterwards.  It's disgusting.

I'm at work today while the rest of the intelligent world is at home, off or their work has closed or the day has been given to them.  I must admit I felt little to be joyous about this morning as I schlepped my fat ass into work, one of maybe a handle of people that are here today.  But I disgress, I'm here, I'm getting some shit done, nothing that wouldn't normally be manageable during the average busy, noisy day.   The train was rather empty, as expected this morning as well.

The festivities ths week are as follows:  Take off from work somewhat earlier today, head home.  Then we'll have the evening to ourselves.  Tomorrow morning we're off to my mom's place for breakfast and to open gifts (the dogs will be staying with her til I get home on Wednesday).  Then, we drive up north to Jeff's parents place.  Have dinner, stay the night.  I'll be coming home on Wednesdayat some point, not sure if Jeff will be coming with or staying, but regardless, I have to work on Thursday so that's why I'm coming back so early.  I'll go and get the pups from my mom's house so it's too terribly lonely at home without Jeff there.. Then I suspect at some point Friday or Saturday I'll head up north and stay the weekend before heading back home on Sunday so that I can be in for December 31st at work. Exciting stuff, let me tell you!!

And yeah.  Don't get too all excited on me here.  I think I'll head home later and have some drinks, because there's nothing like some good cocktails. 


No idea why I'm posting this, but I feel like I look like a giant here.

Our Tree.  So pretty :)

Little Baxter :my little love:

Scary I know....

Oh just some random headstands...

Some of my 20 piercings.  You like that excema too?  I don't, I hate it!!!!

This was nappy time yesterday at the Flynn house.. :) Cute isn't it?