
Thursday, March 28, 2013

My time at The Yoga Conference last weekend :)

Good Morning.. I can't believe it's Thursday already.  Crazy week following a blissed out weekend at the Yoga Conference here in Toronto.  I always look forward to March because that means that the conference is upon us.  But, it always flies by so quickly, I don't even know how it's possible the weekend goes by so quickly.  Its actually quite insane. 

I packed up my shit last Thursday night and then on Friday morning, took the third train down to Union to meet up with Marah for our wonderful 6 hour session with Seane Corn.  I managed to get us a spot directly in front of her, which was divine.  Also, as I was hoping would be the case, the lovely Dallas was there from Kingston to assist with Seane's workshops over the weekend.  Both these weekend are amazing.  I mean, Seane Corn, the name, her projects, her work, her views, everything speaks for itself.  Dallas has an air of mystery to her.  She's beautiful to look at, just full of art work over her entire body but she exudes this beautiful gentleness about her that is just so lovely, which is is interesting because just simply looking at her, she looks rough around the edges....She's beautiful though.  And Seane, well fuck, I can't say enough good things about that woman.  I always leave her workshops feeling inspired, wanting to do and change.  She's such an amazing person who's life is about serving others and spreading love around the globe.  Without love, compassion and forgiveness, there is no moving forward into a better day, a better world.

Marah, Seane and I *smiles*
Friday night after Seane's class, Mares and I went to Fresh to grab some yummy food. 

Then followed a blissful 2-3 hours at Body Blitz spa.  We spend time doing a water circuit in their dead sea water, epsom salt pool and then the cold ass pool we were supposed to dip in for a minute long... Good for your pores but man, B R U T A L L Y C O L D!!!!!  It felt amazing afterwards though.  And then once 8 pm rolled along, we were in for 45 minute massages.  Man, it was amazing.  Afterwards, we finally rolled over to Marah's place not far from the spa, walking distance.  I was reunited with Gummer, her adorably handsome black cat that is uncannily like a dog.  *happy dance*  We chatted for a few hours over some cheese, popcorn and vino.  We then went to bed, chatted some more and then goodnight because we had an 8 am sesh with Seane. 

I woke up the next morning early, *Marah is NOT a morning person, so I was the one that got up early and got us going*, called Jeff because he was going up to a shooting competition, which by the way he did remarkably well in.  He's been doing SO well in the competitions, I'm so proud and he's very proud and happy of himself.

We got moving, slowly but surely and once we got to the Convention Center, we were on a mission to find COFFEE.  Nothing was open at 7 am!!!  Alas, we found java and we were happy campers.  After the 8 am to 10 am class, which was all asana, we then had a break from 10 am to 1 pm, which we took advantage of to walk around the floor and look at all the vendors, shop around and grab a bite to eat before our 1 o'clock sesh with Natasha Rizopoulos.  Different but good, she was in phenomenal shape for her age, lots of tips practicing.. We did almost another 2 hours with her and then once she was finished her session, my last session was with Seane Corn at 3:15 pm, which was "Everyday Miracles"...the class was in tears just talking about life experiences, relating to them, etc.  It was a deep class, for sure.  We then did about an hour to finish or close the day.  I left not long after packing up my stuff after class, then walked to Union and caught the bus home.  Amazing couple of days for sure.

I woke up Sunday with sore abs, sore ribs and sore triceps from all the chatturangas. LOL  It was a fantastic weekend and Sunday I didn't do much but chilled and took it easy.  The End, for now. :) hehe

Ugh I look tired lol

Too dark .. boo hoo

A book I want

Beautiful malas

Isn't this little girl toting around her little yoga mat totally adorable?!?

Seane working her magic in the Center Garden area at the Show

Yummy sprouts and avocado salad.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Yoga Conference starts tomorrow! At long last! :)

My heart literally swells with love for animals, especially all those millions of dogs that's are killed daily in shelters. So flippin many of them are unaltered - SO many people are spaying and neutering its crazy. Which brings me to my next point-why on earth would you own an animal of you don't care for it or don't want to, or of you're going to neglect it and abuse it?!? What's the point then?!? It amazes me daily how many acts of cruelty in the news I see, ranging from hoarding, starving animals, sword yielding jackasses that go and stab neighbour dogs because they've been a nuisance, dogs that are chained to these big ass chains that embed themselves into the dog's neck, only to forever live outside in the sweltering heat and the damn cold... Why?!? I don't get it. I used to get upset about this, and dot get me wrong I still do, but it actually ignites a fire of anger within and empathy... Those animals did not ask for a life of misery. Not once. And yet, too, what kills me is that most of these dogs are just dying for someone to love them and they're SO forgiving, even after all the shit they've been through. Sigh.... :deep breaths:

Anyways, on a positive note, the Yoga Conference is tomorrow!!!! Woop whoop! I've been looking forward to this withdraw since a year ago at the end of last years conference. Love love love it! I'm doing a 6 hour workshop with Seane Corn tomorrow, then we'll have an early dinner then head over to Body Blitz spa and do the water circuit there and then finally, end off with a massage at 8 pm, which should make us sleepy and mellow for early bed and up and at the convention center for an 8 am start with, you guessed it, Seane Corne. ;) then we have a break to walk around the show and see what's going on, have a vegan lunch and then the afternoon will be spent with Seane for another 2 hr class and then finally a class with this incredible woman named Natasha Rizopoulos. Marah has classes Sunday but I'm done after 5:15pm so I'll be heading back home afterwards. Jeff has a shooting competition on Saturday so we'll likely be getting home around the same time. :) Ask me right now and I'll tell you life is good, life is beautiful :) I'm fortunate for my blessings :)

Sunday will be a dog park visit if its not too mild and mucky out and then our friend Christina will be coming over for a visit. :) awesome, awesome wknd ahead! Namaste and my best wishes xo

Pics from the week:

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thoughts this Thursday....

You know what?  Being kind and polite pays off ten-fold.  Treat people with a bit of respect and dignity and you'll in turn get it back and then some.  I really enjoy some of the people I work with, particularly some of the Commissioners.  Some of the have decades of legal experience; some are former judges; others have financial backgrounds.  They're all really lovely people.  And the bottom line is: I really don't care how much money you make, at the end of the day, we're all flesh, blood and bones and little separates us from one another.  We all go back to the earth when we die so in the end, there is no difference.  I'd rather have a rich life full of wonderful experiences than say having a fortune and being miserable and shackled to a career that takes you away from the people and things that matter most in your life.  One image I saw recently reminded me exactly of those thoughts:
Another image that resonated with me is this:

^ That is something that I wish was seared into my head when I'm having a shitty day or not feeling my best.

Moving along, last night we went up to Jeff's brothers and drove through some white-outs on the highway.  Everyone and their brother were driving with their four-ways on.  We finally made it, watched Survivor with Jeff's brother and their parents before bidding them adieu for their trip to Florida where they're going for the next couple of months. 

I went out for a fabulous lunch with my friend and workmate, Marah.  Love this girl to pieces!  We're going to the Yoga Conference together next Friday and Saturday.  She booked us Friday night at the spa after a 6 hour session with Seane Corne.  We'll do a water circuit then have massages at 8.  Should be a fun yet relaxing time. 
Mares and I at a yoga retreat last year.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Humpity Humpity Hump Wednesday

Something feels amiss lately...And I can't quite put my finger on it.  I feel like things are too quiet, not metaphorically but physically.  I feel like things have been better with J but I feel like he's too quiet, reflecting on things internally and not including me in on it.  Maybe it's me just being stupid and my own insecurities and worrying about nothing, but maybe it's not. Who knows, I know I certainly don't.  It could also be the polar opposite, that things are calm and quiet right now and I'm over-analyzing it.

Things are a chaotic mess at work with the ongoing renovations.  I won't be at work Monday because of it and Tuesday I'm going to come in for a short meeting, that's it, then Wednesday everything should be done in our area and we can begin the fun task of unpacking.  Yayyyy!  So far I have 11 bins of shit packed and maybe another 3 to go, if I'm lucky.  I'm secretly building a fort, that's what I'm really doing.

The Yoga Conference is in just over a week and can you say STOKED?!!?  Thursday night I'll head home from work but Friday morning, instead of hauling my ass into work, I'll be hauling myself along with a heavy bag of gear ready for 10 hours of workshops with Seane and 2 hours for a workshop with Natasha Rizopoulos, who's supposed to be pretty amazing, both on Friday and Saturday.  I already can't wait for next year's show and some day, I'll end up at a Wanderlust festival - that's on my Bucket List for sure!!  Meanwhile, while I'm doing that, Jeff is supposed to go that Saturday morning for a gun competition up in Parry Sound and then he's coming back home afterwards.  We'll probably get home around the same time as eachother, I'll just bus it back from Toronto to home, no worries at all.

This Friday night, Jeff's meeting me downtown and we're going to go out for a quick dinner and then head to the Raptors game.  I've never been so it should be fun.  Then Saturday at some point I'm picking up some cupcakes I ordered for Jeff and I.  I'll make us a special dinner on Sunday as it's our 11th anniversary to back when we began dating.  Crazy how over a decade has flown by just like that.  It's also St. Patrick's Day so who knows what trouble we'll get into, if any.

Anyways, I must be off.  Tah-tah for now!!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Life Lately....

I've hit a dry spell....I feel like I haven't written in ages, that or it's getting a bit stale.  Nevertheless, I digress and here I am. :)  This past weekend we headed up north to visit Jeff's family and spent the better part of Saturday at the gun range.  We came back home late Saturday night and chilled most of Sunday.  I went and paid for my Barbados plane ticket on Sunday because their debit machine was down Friday night when I met my mom there. 

Life, knock on wood and hopefully I don't jinx anything, is good right now. :)  And for that, we'll leave it at that.  :)  Peace

Getting my allergies tested after 3 years of not being able to eat uncooked fruit.

Some of the scratch sites and hives

Cuddly, sweet Baxter

En route to the range

Plowing the action pit lol

Saw this picture and saved it

I look cold lol

Taking turns plowing because it was THAT big of a job

Monday, March 4, 2013

Just some pictures that I've taken in the last 4-5 days...... Something's going on with our car, wheel bearing or some bullshit, which means $$$$. Yay, the fun never ends.

Anyways, I'll just post the pictures for now as I scarf my lunch following an extra sweaty gym sesh.

Nice, snowy morning :) Pretty, eh?



Missed the train so I'm waiting for it... Good ol' Friday morning :)
Just some of the pets I looked after this past weekend :)
Miss Ruby-cakes - such a sweetheart

Passed out, burnt out

Creepy eye - when he gets tired and relaxed, he gets the creepy eye lol


Mr. Jagger, such a big kid