
Monday, September 30, 2013

Hellllllllllo Monday, you always come around so fast.. The weekends just aren't long enough.

My little frou-frou's

Waiting in line for java on our way to golf Saturday morning...

Pretty picture of the leaves falling.. Such a nice day to be out golfing

Really love this picture and how the light shines through

Friday, September 27, 2013

It's Friday Peeps, let's all rejoice!

Longest week EVERRRRRRRRRRR!  And most stressful and brutal.  I've been the subject of being people's punching bags this week and it hasn't been welcomed or appreciated NOR fun.  Work has been off the charts busy.  Coupled that with my crazy aunt who's life revolves around the internet and it's connectivity and jesus Christ god forbid the internet goes down, she won't even say hello or how are you, just "Can you look at the internet to see what's wrong with it? Its been down alllllllllll day!!" Lady, we work.  We get up after 5 am, I have a whole spectacle to put on with four dogs in dog, trying to get ready for work and make lunches, head to work, I commute 2 hours a day, and then by the time we get home, she's got a list of shit to do... Like lady, really there are better ways to go about ASKING (not telling) to get things done.  Number one, ask us.  Don't leave notes, don't freak out, cry...  Ugh it's just been so much fun there.  Not only is she fully capable of looking after my mom's dogs when she's away, she just simply WON'T do it.  After everything my mother has done for her, too.  She can't even use Oliver, bless his soul, who passed away a year ago yesterday.  He was insulin dependent, had seizures.. very sick little boy in the last year of his life, so I get that THAT was too much for her, but she literally has no fucking excuse now.  We just feel like we're utilitarian to her and it's just sad.  She doesn't do jack all day and then when we come home, we're supposed to jump when she says go.  Really inconsiderate and rude, and she even yelled at me this week when she was mad.. And I was trying to help her!!  Anyways, enough ranting, we have 9 days left.  A week Sunday we pick my mom and step dad up again and we'll be so grateful for that, I can't even tell you.  We need a vacation from the last 4 weeks (when all is said and done).

Tomorrow, we have Jeff's work golf day followed by dinner at his Boss's house, which I'm looking forward to.  Despite having done a pump class today, I don't think I'll be able to swing a club tomorrow but that don't matter, I can't play worth shit so it's all good.  It's all in good fun though and our stomachs hurt at the end of the day because we're laughing just so much.

Sunday is the cancer fundraiser for our dog groomer's son who lost his entire arm.  He has had an arm transplant which has accepted and taken, which I think is so damn cool.  His father got a tattoo on his shoulder that resembles his son's scars from the amputation and then re-attachment of the donor arm.  I'm so excited to meet him again. 

Anyways, that's all folks. Have a great weekend :)

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Deep denial that Summar is long gone...

Yep.. denial over here, a river that runs in Egypt, right?  Man are the mornings ever chilly and it gets real cool at night.  Even the daylight seems to be dwindling much, much quicker this year than it normally does. Maybe it's just my imagination, but who knows.  I'm in denial about Fall because that means that Winter is on the horizon and our winters typically can go anywhere from October to May....Which if you're me, isn't cool because I'm cold on the warmest of days, but put me in Winter makes me a frigid, frigid person.  Like, can't warm up my hands, my feet or my nose... And perpetually wearing a sweater.  Oh and did I mention that at work, on my floor, there tends to be pockets of warm and cool air and I reside in a cold pocket, where we constantly play games with the thermostat.... I guess it doesn't help matters my desk lines a the windows that line the entire building.  Gorgeous view, but at a cost.  I won't complain about the view whatsoever, but damn I wish I was warm-blooded and not a god damn lizard. LOL

So what's up?  It's Tuesday.  We're off to a Leafs game this evening courtesy of Jeff's workplace giving him free tickets.  We also surpassed the two week mark looking after my mom's dogs/house sitting, which means as of today, only 12 days left.  I think, as much as my mom is having a good time away with my step-dad, she'll be happy to be back home, away from family drama and bullshit over there.  For the amount of shit that my mom does and goes out of her way to do, they've been treated pretty sub-par by family they're staying with over there.  It's really too bad.  My mom has been Facetime'ing me from England, though, I showed her how to do it on her IPod, so she called nearly every day or every other day.  So far yet so close, you know?  And it's nice that she's able to see the dogs too while she's away. 

I found the below image on Pinterest... God I love that site but I try and stay away, you can lose HOURS upon HOURS surfing that site... And I just don't know how people literally get tens of thousands of pins.. Don't you have to be on Pinterest 24/7 for them to accumulate that much?!!  Anyways, I think it's a cool website nevertheless.  I wish it was around when I was planning our wedding, although I compiled my very own scrap book of ideas whilst planning so that's besides the point.. But it would have been cool and I think at some level a bit overwhelming with just the sheer number of ideas .....

Apparently it takes more than a day to write out a blog. Yesterday escaped me and here we are and it's Wednesday now.  Oh well.  C'est la vie. 
I'm training a new admin at work and it's been SWAMPED, in addition to the normal crazy work load.  Couple all that and my boss was away for a week because her MIL passed away from COPD, the same disease that my MIL has.  Oh did I mention she still smokes?  I suppose that's her business but it's just a shame.. I guess when some people get a diagnosis that is effectively a death sentence down the road, they figure what's the point?  Not my life, my choice, but she definitely knows all of our stances on the matter.  Hell, Jeff, his brother and I all quit smoking nearly two years ago and it hasn't been easy but we've stuck to our guns.  Life is way, way too short.
Me and my cuddliest hehe

Mr. Jones, one of my mom's dogs
 And the rest are a few pet clients that I had visits with last Sunday.  Enjoy!

These two were adorable!

FRIENDLIEST Siamese on the planet.  These two are precious

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

My Weekend

So, we're into our second week at my mom's house while she's away in England globetrotting.  I've spoke with her a couple of times on Facetime with her on her iPod, which is pretty cool considering she's thousands of miles away across the Atlantic ocean. 

We also said goodbye to Jeff's parents for three months while they're in Florida.  They came over last night and had dinner with us and left before sunrise this morning to get a jump on traffic going through Toronto.  It was nice to spend some time with them albeit short.  My MIL also enjoyed seeing my aunt's two dogs, one that's almost a replica of THEIR dog.
I worked this past weekend gone, I can't tell you how much I walked or cumulatively how many hours it was but I did a lot of dog walking.  I even took one gal (Lacy)out running before bed every night.  :) 
This Thursday, we're attending this short seminar on nutrition that Jeff's crossfit box is putting on.  Nothing planned for Saturday but Jeff is heading up north to do a shooting competition and because I'll be on my own I decided to pet sit that day and help out my boss there.
I did a body pump class today that kicked my ass.. Man I love working out!  Here are some pictures from the weekend... Enjoy!

Ragdoll Beauty, Thai
Miss Gabby
Mia & Gabby
Awesome, right?  We're King and Queen of retarded pictures lol
Mr. Guinness

Driving around... Weekend was full of driving and walking k9's
My red and black quinoa dish that I made
Roasted Red pepper hummus dip that I made

Artsy fartsy picture of Amber
Charlie... so tired!
Delilah giving her stink eye lol
Quincey Jones
during body pump selfies lol

Friday, September 13, 2013

The last week in Pictures

Last weekend was pretty busy.  Did the month's shopping at Costco, other groceries, Dog Festival, Dinner at my mom's the day before I took her to the airport for her month long trip to England with my step-dad, which means that Jeff and I moved in to look after the house and her dogs.. It's been a busy week, tiring... But it's been alright :)  Here are some photo highlights:
LOL beinf Johnny-poser

Just dropped off the parents at the airport.  Used a new Photo App that I LOVE!!!!
Miss Delilah, my mom's rescue Bichon
This is Minnie, the feisty love-bug :)

Oh poor Charles.. Life is rough lol
And just for fun...................

watching nothing.

Eating: Nothing at the moment but I intend to make some oatmeal in a second, along with coffee..Mmmmm!

Listening to: The Neighbourhood - Afraid - LOVE THIS SONG!!!

Wearing: Jeans (casual Friday), green tank and black button-up sweater over top.

Feeling: Good but a bit tired today.  Ready for the work-week to be ovah!!

Looking forward to: Being done with the work week and getting to my dog and cat visits with my petsitting job this weekend.  Also looking forward to getting the dogs blessed tomorrow at a Dog Festival.. We're not religious but I thought it was a cool idea. :) Jeff is making ribs for the first time so that should be yummy too.. I say that while thinking "Lindsay, you want to go vegetarian, right?!".  I also am going to try my hand at making some quinoa dish this weekend at some point...


Thursday, September 5, 2013

Needing me some yoga right about now.. Thankfully I've got Glen's class tomorrow, which will be nice since I've been doing yoga outside with lululemon all summer long. 
Another trying evening, caused by none other than herself .. Grrr!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

It's feeling like Fall and we're only 3 days into September.. what the ???

The best thing I've heard in quite some time..... There is awareness, then comes forgiveness, then the third step is to make a change.  Changing the actual thought.  So simple, yet makes SO much sense, doesn't it?

This past weekend was a long weekend.  Friday night Bruce came by for a bit.  Saturday we went up to visit Alex for a bit.  Sunday, I did two dog walks as a favour for my boss because the weekend lady that was scheduled had something going on Sunday afternoon.  Jeff came along with me and dropped me off to go geocache while I was busy for an hour.  I can't remember what we did the rest of the afternoon.. I think Bruce came over for some dinner and to chill afterwards.  Monday was a lazy day although we did go out for an adventure in the car looking at spiffy homes and just out and about.

I'm pretty devastated as I write this.  My watch is gone.  Poof, just gone.  So upset right now and I've been looking for close to an hour.  So. Bummed. Out. Doesn't even begin to describe it.

I guess I'll write again tomorrow, totally not in a writing mood anymore......

Adding in some pictures from the last week/half week....

SELFIE!!! lol  In the elevator at work

Fresh flowers I bought at the market on Saturday morning

Quincy, one of my two dog walks on Sunday

Love this little snap shot of us :)