
Friday, November 29, 2013


Making : dinner
Cooking : Hmm steak for dinner
Drinking : hot chocolate
Reading : A new book by Iris Johansen
Wanting : a new pair of jeans
Looking: at Charlie being a ham beside me on the floor
Playing: Words with Friends
Wasting: ? er nothing
Sewing: Uhm, I sewed my hem on my pants that came undone and needless to say as soon as I put my foot into said pants, poof GONE. FML
Wishing: for a healthy, happy 2014
Enjoying: feeling like I have been recently.  It's like a breath of fresh air
Waiting: for Jeff to come home
Liking: that its Friday and the weekend is here!
Wondering: what the future will bring.
Loving: life, but there's always room for improvement, isn't there?
Hoping: that it isn't a terrible winter (okay, who am I kidding here?!)
Marveling: at how lucky I really am.  I'm truly blessed to be where I am and have had the opportunities that I have had.
Needing: New comforter for our bed, new couches.
Smelling: Honey by Marc Jacobs
Wearing: Lululemon pants, a teal long sleeve tshirt and a purple cardigan over top
Following: Agreed, always following a list of mine
Noticing: That it's almost 7 pm already shit.
Knowing: I know more than I'd like to kno.w
Thinking: plans for the weekend
Feeling: happy but I have a headache
Bookmarking: nothing atm
Opening: the newspaper
Giggling: hm just no.
Feeling: cozy

If I don't write back this weekend, have a great weekend and I'll be back on Monday! xo

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Going Vegetarian and other things

I've been unintentionally putting it off but I think once the New Year hits, I'm going vegetarian.  I want to.  I need to. It's going to happen.  I've seen too much, read too much... all of which can't be undone or rather, I can't plead ignorance like so many billion people do.  I know that animals are sensitive BEINGS and I don't care if you disagree with that statement or not, it is my opinion and mine alone.  You can't tell me that animals don't feel.  Look at mother cows that have their calves taken away, same with horse... They cry for days..... Same with marine life, they bellow at ridiculous unchartered levels of decibels trying to communicate with their loved ones that are taken from them or mercilessly slaughtered.  There is no humane way to kill an animal.  There just isn't.  So, it is what it is, I'm not going to be a staunch, rigid vegetarian that turns my nose up at stuff I won't eat, I'll be polite.. and of course that's not to say I'll never, ever eat meat again, but at this time in my life, I can't do it anymore.  So I've set a deadline and I'll abide by it.

On a different note, I just got back from the sweat box aka the gym and combat class kicked my ass.  I only lasted 35 minutes of the 45 minute class, fuck they're intense.  I'm realising that I'm not completely 100% yet, almost but not quite.  I just feel gassed and low energy.  I'm about 3 weeks into taking my new meds and while I feel infinite times better than that first week/week and a half, I'll hopefully be feeling marvelous by 4 to 6 weeks.  My dilated/enlarged pupils still creep me out but hopefully that subsides too.  We'll see. I'm optimistic.  Most of all, I'm happy again and smiling and not just pretending or faking it because that's what I feel I have to do to be normal or to get by.

Totally unrelated but wanting to write about it.  So now that I'm 30, it's like I've turned into an old lady.  Jeff and I both are old farts.  We get up once, twice a night to pee and usually end up passing each other coming and going in the hall way, it's hilarious.  Not really.  It's really disruptive to our sleep!!  The boys never budge.  Charlie has been sleeping above my head or on my pillow lately, he's been quite tired.  Poor little love, life is just so damn tough.  And Baxter, the past couple of mornings he's been laying at the end of the bed stretched out and I'll pass beside the bed and he'll crawl under the covers and be my leg warmer.  I love having a warm furry beside me sleeping, it's so comforting.  That's not to say I don't like sleeping beside Jeff, lol, I do, of course!  *smiles*  Speaking of the dogs, they're over at my mom's house today for a play date with her two, along with Lily and Stella, a neighbour of ours' dogs that lives downstairs.  They go visit my mom for the day at least once a week and they come home EXHAUSTED!  It's adorable just how tanked they are.  They come home, have dinner and then both disappear into their respective hiding spots to sleep, Charlie in the closet and Baxter stretched out on our bed.

Well, it's been a busy afternoon so that's all for now.  Off home to get the dogs, go home, make dinner, wait for Jeff to get home from crossfit and then go out and buy something and make for my work potluck lunch tomorrow. 

Peace and love xo

Purty flowers Jeff got me for no reason at all

Friday, November 22, 2013


What's going on with me?  Random-ness......

- I have to take two massive boxes of books to donate to Goodwill this weekend.  We've pared down our two book cases and sorted through books we just won't read again or former school books that are out of date (law books and such).

- I've been thinking about it all week yet I've done nothing about it as yet, buuuuuuut, I want to set up our Christmas tree tonight.  I know it's early but we also won't be at home from December 4th to the 19th because we'll be house sitting/dog sitting at my mom's while she's in sunny Barbados.  Yes, again

- I just got back from an ass-kicking at the gym and it feels soooooooooo good.

- We might be heading up north tomorrow for the night to check on Jeff's parents. 

- It's supposed to snow tomorrow.  And be freezing.  So much in denial that winter is here for the next half year. *rolls eyes*

- I'm just becoming aware of a store named Piper Lime, a Gap franchise if you will, but what cute, fashionable clothes they have.

- I  just finished reading a book called, "Unsaid" by Neil Abramson and it had me smiling at times and other times, I would tear up because I knew exactly what the author was describing and could relate.  What a good book to read if you love animals.

- I was off on Wednesday to go to a Doctor's appointment that went really well and afterwards, I walked over to my mom's place (where the dogs were - once a week my neighbour will take her two Bichon's over to my mom's, along with ours, and they have a play date with her two Bichons, so it's a Bichon party :)  It's actually quite adorable seeing a sea of white fluffballs at your feet.  They're all just so happy with eachother and they get along so well together, it's wonderful.  And plus, my mom LOVES it.  She would be happiest if she had an entire house full of Bichon babies (so would I, to be honest!).  Here are some pictures from that day.... Enjoy. :)

Oh and P.S. Things are going really well with Jeff and I'm actually smiling again.  He notices it, I notice it, my mom notices.... Big, GOOD changes :)



I just LOVE this one of Baxter at the forefront, he's got the softest, most gentle eyes on the planet

The boys on the look out in the backyard :)

Andddd ... Me walking home


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Confession Tuesday:

So we almost died last night!  We stayed home yesterday because the power had gone out on Sunday night, leaving me with 4 loads of laundry I was just about to shove into the driver.  Then Monday morning, minutes after the hydro coming back on, our fire alarm goes off.  And then not long after that, we lose our hot water until 9:30 PM last night.  Was just not a good day.  Can I just say that it felt SO nice to have a hot shower last night?  Jeff and I both feel dirty!

And then last night, I just put an egg into a pot of boiling water and Jeff and I *ahem*.  I fall asleep right after, something that I never(!!!) do and lo and behold, we both wake up at 2:30 coughing because there's smoke in our entire condo, I've long since boiled DRY said pot and burned the pot and poor egg.  So here, we were.  Running around naked trying to fan smoke out while opening all of our windows and doors.  It was quite the sight, I'm sure.  Ugh.  Chalk that up as Lindsay 0, kitchen +23462.  I felt terrible.  But thank goodness we didn't die. Yikes!

On the plus side, we got pictures taken of the dogs and ordered and picked up our Christmas cards already and the list has already been made.  Bring on Christmas! :)


Monday, November 18, 2013

Friday, November 15, 2013

TGIF bitches!

Killed it at the gym and now I feel like shit because I'm drained and feeling weak.  But at least I'm not surrendering to this and I'm still plowing forward.  I have lost about 10 lbs in the last week and a half, which is crazy. 

Tomorrow morning Jeff and I are going to Toronto to meet with two co-workers at a dog park with their respective dogs.  One has a Polish Sheepdog and the other has a Corgi.  I've met neither of the breeds before so I'm a bit excited and plus, they both seem like little darlings.  The boys are going to be excited and I think Baxter will especially like Minnie, the Polish Sheepdog.  He has a thing for female dogs and I just love watching him flirt it's so flippin cute.  So tonight, I'm going to give them a bath so they look presentable for tomorrow.  Sure they may get muddy but whatever, a bath will do them good tonight.

As for the rest of the weekend, not sure what we're doing but probably not a whole hell of a lot to be honest.

Have a good weekend everyone!!  ;) xo

I leave you with my sleeping beauties....


Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My 30th Birthday Recap

It's been awhile since I posted.  I've been feeling like crud since last week when I started taking these new meds.  I've been feeling very weak and flu-like but apparently that's bang on to what I'm supposed to be feeling like.  It just sucks because I don't have much energy, I'm constantly yawning, I'm weak and my pupils make me look high, they're MASSIVE.

Moving along.  I worked this weekend petsitting.  My boss covered me for the afternoon and evening on Sunday so I could spend the day with Jeff.  I worked til just after 10 am then came home, ate, had a shower and got ready to head down to the aquarium.  But first, pictures from petsitting.

Then once I was done..... I was ready to rock!  Totally fine with the idea that I'm now no longer in my twenties but rather, I'm finally 30.  Sounds weird to say but it's just a number.  And besides, I lost my shit the weekend before so I didn't hit 30 and lose my marbles. 

I should also mention that I woke up to the nicest, sweetest, most thoughtful gift in the morning of my birthday.  A nice bouquet of flowers and a card laid out for me in the kitchen so that I wouldn't miss seeing it at 6 am when I woke up to get my day started for the last of my pet visits.  It was so nice and I always look forward to the flowers and cards Jeff gets for me.

We dropped off the dogs at my mom's house for the afternoon.  Then set out for downtown, where Marah and Danielle were going to meet up with us.  It was nice to see them but they kind of rushed us when I didn't want it to be about that, I didn't care if we were late according to their time schedules, we were going to get there when we got there, you know what I mean?  It was windy and cold as fuck that day ie not appropriate weather to wear my muscle leggings.  They're summer attire me thinks lol.

Here's the aquarium...

This here was maybe one of the coolest things.. They had some sort of machine that was creating a surge to give the effect of the motion the ocean sways back and forth with surges and waves.  It was so peaceful and relaxing

DEMON eyes lol

My favourite was the JELLYFISH.  Loved this display!!  We spent a total of about 2 hours there and then parted ways with Danielle and Marah walked with us a short way to go shopping and we went off in the direction of Fresh, a vegetarian eatery that I'm nuts about.  Love the food, it's so delish!! :)  We ate there, had a vegan cupcake for dessert as my "cake" we'll say, then we braved the cold Toronto weather and went back to the car to head back homeward way so that we could catch a flick, Gravity, in 3D.

All in all, it was a fantastic day.  :)