
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas 2013 and Week Off..

I literally cannot believe it's been SIX days SINCE Christmas 2013 already.  Today is my first day back to work in over a week.  Everyone booked the day today except three of us in my office branch.  I didn't mind because the day before a statutory holiday, we normally get told we can go home early and such is the case this year, as my boss's boss told me this morning we could leave at Noon.  Perfect.  I was going to go to the gym to lift for Noon for an hour, so instead I'll just come back and change before heading home.  I have to pick up my winter jacket at the tailor's because I had to get the zipper replaced.  Sometime between Christmas and the next couple of days, my jacket must have snagged on something and ripped two teeth out, along with the zipper and I had to get it replaced.  It was either that or spending at least $200-$300 on a new jacket, when I loved mine still and it was in perfect condition.  Thankfully it was able to be fixed because I was hoping to at the very least get another winter, if not two left of this jacket. 

This evening, New Years Eve, I think it's a bit overrated.  We were going to come back downtown (coincidentally, right beside my office tower) for a celebration at Nathan Phillip's Square but frankly it's too flippin cold.  And we don't feel like getting caught up in a crowd and huddling for warmth until midnight just to see the clock ring in.  I can do that from my living room couch.  I suggested we bundle up and take the kids for a midnight stroll OR alternatively, we go snowshoeing at midnight.  Should be alright though, I'm not big into drinking so it's pretty insignificant for me, well both of us really.

Christmas was a blur but it was a good one nevertheless.  We did Christmas between Jeff and I a bit early this year.  I bought him an IDPA membership for 2014 and a Citizen Eco-Drive watch that he'd been eye-balling for a long time.  He bought me a Citizen Eco-Drive watch as well (it's gorgeous btw, see pic!), a gift certificate to Lululemon, in which I bought a pair of the lined casual pants in a deep plum colour, identical to my black pair but these puppies were lined.  He also got me lifting gloves, a day planner and a calendar, and two recipe books from my fave restaurant, Fresh.  Jeff spoils me rotten.  And we can never wait until Christmas to spoil eachother. LOL.  OH well, no one can dictate when we can and can't celebrate on our own together.  It's just nice and intimate just the two of us with the boys.  The boys opened their prezzies and got new collars and two stuffies, which as I type this, are destroyed a whole five days later lol.  This year I received sweaters, more sweaters (hey, just what I need since I'm always cold), jewelry, gift cards, pyjama's, an e-reader (!!), which I'm surprisingly liking a lot.  I've been reading a lot lately so it's perfect.

Christmas morning, we went to my mom's house, had breakfast and opened presents with her.  We left our dogs with her and my step-dad so we didn't have to worry about them up north.  We headed up north later on in the afternoon and stayed until Friday late in the afternoon, to which we then made our way back homebound.  Picked up the kids later on that evening, reaffirmed that they missed us and love us still.  Saturday we did some errands and Sunday, Jeff took a buddy to a hockey game.  Here are some pictures of the last week or so.... :)

Our funny faces compilation lol

Below are up North pictures.... 

Being all cute in Wally-mart lol


My in-laws' house up north

And since I forgot to add it above, here's the watch. :)
All in all, a great week off was had and another Christmas has come and gone and a new year is upon us.  Have a safe and happy new years everyone!  All my best wishes for 2014.  xox

Happy New Years Eve!! Christmas Post coming..

While I'm drafting my post about Christmas, I leave you with this to tie you over. XOX

This is just a simple Yes or No Question Thingy, no explanations required just a simple yes or no.

Been arrested? No

Kissed someone you didn't like? Of course

Slept in until 5 PM? No

Ran a red light? Yes

Been suspended from school? No

Experienced love at first sight? Hmm don't think at first sight, No

Totaled your car in an accident? No

Been fired from a job? No

Fired somebody? No

Sang karaoke? No, never.

Pointed a gun at someone? No, just a target.

Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? Who hasn't?

Caught a snowflake on your tongue? Yes

Kissed in the rain? Yes

Had a close brush with death (your own)? Yes

Seen someone die? No

Played spin-the-bottle? Yes

Smoked a cigar? Tried to  but ended up inhaling.  Yuck!

Sat on a rooftop? Yes

Smuggled something into another country? Yes

Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? Yes

Broken a bone? Yes, my jaw

Skipped school? Yes

Eaten a bug? Yes

Sleepwalked? Not to my knowledge

Walked a moonlit beach? Yes, Cuba, Barbados

Rode a motorcycle? Yes

Dumped someone? Yes

Lied to avoid a ticket? No

Ridden in a helicopter? No never

Shaved your head? Nope

Made your boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Yes

Eaten snake? No I just wouldn't

Marched/Protested? Yes

Had Mexican jumping beans for pets? Nope

Puked on amusement ride? No

Seriously & intentionally boycotted something? Soon to be meat?

Been in a band? No lol

Been on TV? Yes

Shot a gun? Yes

Skinny-dipped? Yes

Gave someone stitches? Nope

Ridden a surfboard? Nope

Drank straight from a liquor bottle? Yes

Had surgery? Yes

Streaked? No

Taken by ambulance to hospital? No

Passed out when not drinking? Yes

Peed on a bush? Yes lol

Donated Blood? Yes once

Grabbed electric fence? Yes when I was younger.

Eaten alligator meat? No thank you

Killed an animal when not hunting? No

Peed your pants in public? Yes

Snuck into a movie without paying? No

Written graffiti? No

Still love someone you shouldn't? Nope

Been in handcuffs? Nope, not a police officer's, at least lol

Believe in love? Yes

Sleep on a certain side of the bed? YES

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!! :) xo 
Lol Jeff and I and our bloody faces hahaha 

Merry Christmas kids! 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Merry Christmas before I forget!

Well we survived the Ice Storm of 2013.  Scrapped the car three or four times over the weekend and we were still taking off huge layers of ice off the car when we went out yesterday.  Almost 300,000 people are without power, thankfully we are not included in that statistic.  We drove around all over the place and there were so many pockets of neighbourhoods in darkness and yet you'd look across the street and they would be on.  So strange.
Our trip to Barbados next year has already been booked.  We're heading down there on September 10th for 2 weeks!! WOOOOOO!  Can't wait.  And to boot, my mom is treating us to the hotel and flight so all we have to worry about is spending money and money for scuba diving.  We'll have to get our regs serviced next year, even though they haven't been used that much.  It's not something I want to fuck around with being that a regulator is your lifeline in the water.  So I don't mind spending some money getting them serviced.  The only thing we won't be taking down is tanks and weights (for the obvious reasons).
Christmas shopping has officially concluded.  We purchased our last gift yesterday afternoon with success.
Now I'm off to the gym for a Jillian Michaels Shred class and then I'll be going home.  I think I've finally caught a bit of Jeff's sickness.  While he's feeling a bit better than he had been, it seems my throat feels like there should be razor blades down within in.  Blah!  I can't get sick, especially this close to Christmas for god sakes!!
If I don't post beforehand, Merry Christmas!!!! :)

Friday, December 20, 2013

What's goin' on, crises, Christmas, etc.

Christmas is SIX days away.  I can hardly believe it.  It feels like Christmas... Christmas lights everywhere, decorations, snow... but it just doesn't feel that soon.

We are finally back at our place.  I picked my Mom and Step-Dad up last night.  Their flight was delayed nearly two hours so that meant they landed around 11:05 pm and I didn't crawl into bed until about 1:30 am.  Me so tired today!  I ended up going solo because Jeff was a write off sick and frankly, he was too bad of shape to drive, let alone come along for the ride.

**** I wrote the above yesterday, on Thursday, December 19, 2013. ****

Our countdown is now at FIVE!!!!  I decided that I'm going to be bah-humbug and not put up our Christmas tree.  One, because we were at my mom's house for 2 weeks at the beginning of December and it seemed silly to put up and not be able to enjoy it.  Two, there's 5 days left and we leave on Christmas to head over to my mom's and then up north so there's such a small window that we'd actually be able to enjoy it, you know? I feel guilty though. Lol 

****the above was wrote on Friday, December 20th and I got so busy, had a meltdown, then found the source of aforementioned meltdown and then all was right in the world.

Today, Saturday, December 21st, 2013
This was taken at 5 am this morning when Charlie and I were awake :)

Yesterday I inadvertently lost my engagement ring. Yep, that's right, my ENGAGEMENT ring. Ugh!!!!! The story is: I lift weights on Fridays at lunch and it must've fell when I pulled my jewelry out of my pocket and some honest, awesome (!!!) person turned it in. I was a sobbing mess looking for it at my desk after I returned from my workout, thinking I had dropped it on the floor there before I had even left in the first place. Regina thought it would still be good to check the gym since I had been there as well, and sure enough, that's where it was indeed! My dad must've been looking out for me on that day. You see, it's not just that it's my ring and it's symbolic to my marriage, but my dad designed it over three decades ago for my mom and it was the engagement ring he proposed to her with. It's the memories behind the ring. And it's one of the few things of my father that I have left. So when I got my ring back and slid it on my finger, all was then right in the world. :)