
Friday, January 31, 2014

"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." Marilyn Monroe 

I had more to write but the moment has passed and I'm no longer in the mod. 

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday Musings...

You know what really chaps my ass and SO many women do it.  People that are obviously slim that say they're fat.  Um you're smaller than me, what the fuck am I then?  I must be obese, if that's the case.  And that my friends is how you get a complex.  People like this individual I've described above that have "made" women insecure.  This same person likes drama and also like to make mountains out of mole hills for no reason in particular.  I seriously, seriously think if we showed a little more compassion, love and understanding of people, we could all collectively live in a world that was much more joyous, non-harming and filled with less hate and hidden agendas.  I just can't stand to be around people that are just so negative or like to wallow in misery, you know?  Life is too short.  And if you haven't got anything nice to say, well, keep your mouth shut.  No one needs to hear it.
Moving along... The weekend went by entirely too quickly.  On Saturday, we took my mom out to Whitby-area so she could pick up some raw dog food that she was going to be trying to switch her two dogs over to.  Well, wouldn't you know it, we spent about 2 hours there.. Why you ask?  Because there were dogs there and I was doting alllllllllllll over them.  The woman breeds Leonbergers and she has four of her own.  I had never met the breed until maybe a year ago when I looked after a Leo named Olive, and man was she a stunner.  Here she is:
Here are the Leo's from Saturday:
Beautiful Kramer :)
The ladies

I think this was the 9 month old female.  There was Kramer and his daughter and then another female and her daughter.

185 lbs of pure love.  This is Kramer.

Sunday we didn't get up to much other than heading over to my mom's for a bit and some running around and being domesticate.
I think it's the weather but I'm really tired this week.  Could be the weather/temperatures.  I think today's it's around -20, feels like -30 with the wind chill.  Brr!!  I'm so over winter, but then again, I've never been a fan of it given that I'm always cold.
Anyways, decided to take a few pictures of some nooks of our place that are my fave. 
Here's one of our book cases that houses a ton of diving magazines, National Geographics, books, elephant figures, pictures, and more pictures. 

This cabinet you see in the pic above?  It houses about 40 Swarovski crystals that I began collecting at a young age, I believe my first was purchased on a cruise ship or in port at an island we visited while on said cruise.
Our new grey sectional.. And Jeff sleeping. :)

This is prob the messiest nook in our home.  It's where I put a heaping pile of bills before filing them away every 3-4 months.

One of my little areas or "spots" with a bunch of books, elephant studies, pictures, etc.

Jeff and my man, Charlie snuggling.

He's always watching ;)

Charlie and I :)
That's all for now.  Jeff's birthday is on Friday and he turns 37, the old fucker.  LOL  His family is coming down on Thursday night to celebrate with us.  Friday night we're going out with my family and the rest of the weekend I'm petsitting/dog walking but it's another quiet weekend like at the beginning of January......
Have a good one... :)

Friday, January 24, 2014

Have a great weekend everyone :)

Thursday, January 23, 2014

My rant of the day - Instagram Fitness Coaches/Meal Planners

There's something that's been chapping my ass for a bit now and here it is:
Fitness Coaching/Meal Plans/Trainers on Instagram - It seems to be the latest craze everywhere I look on social media, particularly Instagram is where I'm seeing it.  Everyone and their brother is a fitness expert and you can purchase their meal plan/workout plan/etc. for a low price of ______ (fill in the blank).  Now, I know in this day and age of technology and rampant social media, we can get by with seeing and interacting with people and doing things online like we weren't able to before.  One being, coached by someone online or buying a fitness program or meal program from someone you've never met and someone who you don't know jack squat about and their qualifications.  I mean, hey, if it works for you and you're happy, cool, but I just think it's bogus.  And hey, if you can make an income from doing just that, good for you.  But that's also a lot of leg work, promoting, marketing, and sell-sell-selling yourself.  Some people also need others' motivation and support and input but I don't, myself.  Just my two cents.  I go to the gym at least 5 days a week, sometimes 6 if I'm feeling spunky on the weekend but I'm also learning that I also need rest days.  My quads and hamstrings are always tight and aching from doing squats, dead lifts, etc.  Also, in this day and age where we have tools like Google at our disposal, why the fuck aren't these people doing their own research?  Educating themselves instead of paying someone to do it for them.  I just feel like people are getting more and more stupid and more and more lazy.  I guess some people want to look and feel good but don't want to put the work or effort in. 

Don't get me wrong, I think there are legit people out there in the internets that have proper credentials but I think so many people are naïve.  And lazy.

Another thing that makes me laugh at the gym:  chicks that wear sports bras with a push up underneath.  It's like, seriously, you look retarded.  Just stop that non-sense.  Just stop.  In our spinning class, there are a few, plus there's also a few that just give oogly eyes to Scott, the instructor.  Sure he's nice looking from the neck down but dude is OLD.  Literally, STOP drooling on your bike and batting your eyelashes.  Work out.  Stop being ridiculous and get your sweat on.  That is why you go to the gym, is it not?

Another observation about the gym:  What is with the people you see day in and day out for years, still out of shape and their bodies aren't changing.  Or if you don't know how to use a machine, ASK.  It's that simple.  I totally understand that gyms can be intimidating, especially if you're new to them, but come on.  Speak up.  You want results?  Put in the work and you'll see results.  There are no quick fixes or miracles.

Alright, sounds like I'm being bitchy here so I'll leave it at that.  :)

Tired of Winter Already

I'm just going to put it out there that I wrote this really long post yesterday (Tuesday and Wednesday both) and both times it crashed or pictures and text just simply vanished off my page.  God I hate how glitch blogger can be sometimes, it's annoying.  So I had a tantrum, as you can see from the last post regarding donkey balls.  Moving along.... LOL


We are once again in a deep freeze and it blows.  I think today is supposed to be "warmer" than it has been all week but still, it's -16,, feels like freezing my ass off or some bullshit like that.  It shouldn't be allowed to get that cold.  However, a positive to living in Ontario: thank goodness I don't live in Alberta because it's actually colder out there.  I've always told my mother she gave birth to me in the wrong country.  Don't get me wrong, I'm very grateful to be Canadian and I know that I'm blessed, but couldn't she have picked somewhere like, oh I dunno, Barbados?!  That would have been swell.  Thanks Mom!

Speaking of, her and my step-dad came over on Saturday night for dinner.  They brought their dogs with them as well and it was just a nice, quiet evening with them.  Good conversation, good food, family/friends, you couldn't ask for more.

So now it's actually Thursday and we're almost at the end of the work week.  Woop woop!  For some reason, I'm really, really tired this week.

Yesterday I skipped the gym and met up with an old friend that I used to work with at the law firm.  It was nice to catch up and we're also on the same page on so many levels.

In other BREAKING news, our lovely little Canadian sensation boy Justin Bieber was arrested for drag racing and failed a sobriety.  Uh oh!   If he doesn't watch it, he's going to be a statistic.

More later....

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I'm so beyond frustrated right now. Sitting in my bathroom, stewing, angry, crying. I really really hate days like these where I just want to crawl into a dark hole. 

BLOGGER YOU SUCK DONKEY DICK!!!   URGH What the hell is with Blogger and its random bullshit crashes or it freezes or suddenly an entire blog post and pictures disappear.  Grrr

Friday, January 17, 2014


How about some randomness right off the bat, shall we?I need someone to re-design my blog.  Looks so drab and it's not pretty or unique like so many others I see out there.  

I also need to start thinking about topics to ramble on about because I feel like I'm boring, so I apologize for that. 

Huzzah!!! It's Friday bitches. Christ it's been a long week. I did a weights class today at lunch, which was great, but man my legs wanted to give out. I was D Y I N G!! But in a good way of course, there are no negatives or drawbacks to health and fitness.

We're having my mom and step dad over  for dinner tomorrow evening but we haven't really got any plans this weekend. Last weekend, however, was enjoyable. For a couple of years now, Jeff and I have looked very casually for a new couch or sectional. Lo and behold, we bought a new sectional! And grey! I'm absolutely in love with it. We also got an arc lamp that hangs over it. Super nice and needed; the couches we had before we're bought in 1990 by Jeff's parents (!!). So I took some pics to remember the old and bring in the new. 
Jeff slept on the couch one last time last Friday night. 
On the curb.. Bye bye couches, you've been good to us. 
Beautiful! Comfortable! Huge! And we all love it, dogs included, although they were a bit confused at first lol they had to be coaxed on to the couches and told it was okay. They now have certain spots that are "theirs" :)
Charlie's has managed to find a vantage point to get some rays. :)

And here is Baxter on his throne, he definitely likes the chaise part. 

And lastly, Baxter turned 6 (!!!) on Wednesday :) 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Currently I am...

Currently I am...

I am watching: Millionaire Matchmaker

I am eating: Nothing.  I am drinking water.  Rather boring, huh?

I am wearing: Lululemon studio pant (lined) in deep purple and a Sure Buddha t-shirt

I am thinking about:  My new sectional couch that's on its way home (!!!!) So excited!!

I am listening to: Tv in the background as I clean and de-clutter.

I am dreaming about: Trip to Barbados in September... :)  can't wait for the sun and sand and lots of scuba diving. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Weekend and throughout the week...

This pic above is the night they got groomed. My handsome devils :)
So I've played hookie or all week. Lol. Well Monday I had planned to be off due to dr's appts but Tuesday to today I've called in sick with a migraine. I did feel I'll Tuesday and Wednesday but now noisy being a lazy mofo with my family. :)

The boys were supposed to get groomed Monday but that was rescheduled to Tuesday, so they've been dapper little boys since Tuesday.

Bunch of good shows coming back soon... Girls, Mad Men, Homeland (in Feb I believe), Real World just started again, Greys should be coming back soon, The Following... Loved that last year!!

Have to do grocery shopping and a Costco run this wknd and take it easy. Weather is supposed to be mad mild this weekend, which means a shitload of snow is going to melt. Yay for potential flooding and flash freezing.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Happy Friday! :)  Have a great weekend everyone!  I'm petsitting this weekend so expect pictures throughout the weekend or Monday.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

NYE and 2014

New Years Eve was pretty uneventful.  We were told to leave at Noon and I had already planned to go to the gym so I did that, then came back an hour later, got changed and left.  Everyone was already gone at that point but I wanted to get some sweat time in.  I got before 3 pm, which was super sweet.  We decided not to go downtown because it was too damn cold.  It was -17 without the wind chill and we weren't about to stand around and freeze our asses off.  So we stayed home and watched the boob tube and were in bed by 12:30 pm.  Such old farts we are.  LOL

I typically don't make New Years Resolutions because people usually don't keep them and I don't have resolutions to make per se, goals maybe yes but resolutions, no.  I think this year is going to be a good one, full of change, good things and happy times.  I look forward to the things to come this year, our vacation to Barbados in September and I look forward to more personal growth and expanding my relationships and friendships with people.

Here's some snapshots of pics from NYE and New Years Day.  The dog pictures with 6 of them in it are from my mom's house on New Years Day.  We went for a late lunch at my mom's house and afterwards, Jeff and Bruce went to a Raptors game.  I stayed back with the dogs and we had our neighbours' dogs, Lily and Stella too. 

The boys resting up for a crazy (!!) New Years Eve

Little man Baxter
Blurry but whatevs!


Stella, Dina's rescue Bichon

Left to Right: Baxter, Quincey, Stella, Lily, Delilah and Baxter

Charlie, Lily and Delilah