
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday Tuesday!

It totally feels like fall this week and that ain't cool.  What the EFF?!  And if it's feeling like fall, we know what else quickly follows up here in these neck of the woods........dun dun dun WINTER.  Ugh I don't even want to utter those words so let's not and say we did.

I did a double today at the gym.  I did a BodyShred class and then a 15 minute break followed up by an hour of BodyPump.  Holy sweat balls!  But I feel fantastic this afternoon.  Love the adrenalin buzz!  Yesterday we had a meeting at work from 10 am to 1:30 so that meant I wasn't going to the gym for my usual, which made me a bit grouchy and peeved at my boss.  So today I said fuck it and went to the gym for a long sesh because, after all, she wasn't going to notice, she was in an all day meeting.  WOOP WOOP!

This past weekend was good.  On Saturday we went with my mom out to Brooklin to get her some raw dog food and see Lori's Leonbergers.  Afterwards, we went back home and sat around for a bit before heading back over to my mom's for her annual BBQ.  The weather turned out good, a bit overcast but it didn't rain and thunderstorm like the weatherman predicted.  Left her house later that night feeling very full.  I did two house calls to the house with the Dane that I fell in love with.  This time I was visiting him, he had 26 staples in his leg from having his ACL repaired 5 days before.  Guiness, one of the two Golden Retrievers, was a huge ham, as was Rosie but everyone was great. 

Sunday was a day of rest and much appreciated :)

 Cute little country store we came upon on Saturday that I've been wanting to go in forever


 So happy Harp and Guinness are :)
And Rosie barking at Diesel, confined in his area because of his knee, and all she wanted to do was play.


Thursday, July 24, 2014

I'm so frustrated with work lately.  I can't say that I've been this stressed or frazzled with this place in the entire 4 years I've been here but I can say that how it is today was not how it was when I came here in July of 2010.  I appreciate that we're busy and my boss is covering two jobs but by no means is it cool to throw people under the bus and/or blame them for things that SHE advised to do WEEKS ago.    It's just a shitty feeling when you feel uneasy about your job or uncertain where it's headed (lots of changes in the future for my place of employment) and just not trusted and being the scape goat for other people's errors or oversights. 

My tooth also broke on Monday night....on our way out to The Keg, of all places.  I lost a filling in my back molar and ironically the following day I had an already scheduled dentist appointment (thank heavens because drinking cold water was painful!).  Fixed that Tuesday after work which was fantastic since it was a bit uncomfortable drinking water due to sensitivity.  I hate anything to do with teeth, it's such a horrible pain tooth pain.  I've had so much work in my mouth that I literally just can't stand going to anything to do with my mouth.  We're talking extractions, braces (twice), periodontal skin grafts, wisdom teeth extracted, maxillofacial surgery (aka my jaw surgery "broken" and tweaked), visits to an endodontist from HELL.  That's why going to the dentist or anything tooth related is hell on earth for me.  If I can do without, please.

This Saturday is my mom's annual BBQ but I was just asked to help out with the Dane house (you know, the one I went to last weekend and fell in love with Diesel, the gorgeous boy?), which I initially offered earlier on in the week but the weekend was being covered by another member of our team.  Well, got a message this morning asking if I still wanted to help out with two visits at that home.  OF COURSE!!  So I'll be at the BBQ at my mom's but I'll have to step away for a bit to do their visit between 4:30 and 6:30 pm and then go back again for a bed time visit before the family comes home.  So stoked to see Guiness, Harp, Rosie and Diesel again.  :)

Monday, July 21, 2014

How is it Monday AGAIN, so SOON?

What a crazy busy weekend that was!  And drum roll... I came home from doing my last dog walk at 10:30 last night and ta-dah (!!), all of the laundry that I got Jeff to schlep upstairs as I left around 9:20 pm to visit Chelsea, the Pointer, was FOLDED.  He's never folded clean laundry!!!  I was in SHOCK!!!  It's the little things ladies that need celebrating.  LOL!  That was so thoughtful and nice, considering the day/weekend it was.

Sidebar:  Do you know what I hate most?  Fake people and users.  I say this as some bitch lingers near me at work.  I use harsh words because I'm still bitter and for the most part I've let it go, but it bothers me when you care more about people than they do you.  Especially when you need them and they're not there for you when you've been there for them.  Slap in the fucking face.  Moving along............

So this past weekend composed of 34 visits to homes with cats or dogs or both.  A tad insane but met many new dogs I hadn't met before, one being a beaut of a Great Dane named Diesel.

Some pictures from the weekend, starting off with Friday night at the dog park with Dina and her girls. 
 Next up is Nuca, the Burmese that loves roaming her backyard in the comforts of a leash.  She just likes wandering and smelling and just taking in the fresh air.  She's such a sweet girl.

On Saturday evening, I had two visits with a new client just outside of town and they have four dogs, three cats and laying chickens.  I wasn't to care for the chickens this time but just the dogs.  They have two Goldens, one Lab and a ....wait for it.... GREAT DANE.  *swoons and passes out*

Isn't he just B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L?!?!  He's basically "Fawnequin", so a Harlequin but with brown spots instead of the black and white that the Harlequin is.  He's just a stunner.  I was so, so excited going to visit the house knowing what was going to be waiting for me on the other side of the door.  If you're new to reading this blog, Danes are my dream dog!! While I love my little white fluffs, Danes are my dream.



And this is Buddy

  An 11 year old Yellow Lab, who, as you can see, is not shy :)

 And then these last few are from my second and last visit in the evening with the Dane house.  See I'm even labelling the entire household now as the "Dane house" lol.

 I'm calling this one, "Is there someone behind me?"

And I just about died here... I became Diesel's personal sofa, which I did not mind in the slightest bit.  So just in my personal experience with him the one evening, I can tell you that there's something about Danes that's almost human-like.  I don't know if it's their need to be and feel close to you or the eyes... They're just so... I can't even put my finger on it.  It was wonderful and I didn't want to leave.

I believe this was Harp being a ham as I sat on the couch with Diesel and wrote a note to the family :) So flippin cute!
 And this would be Sammy... a wriggling Tabby, super friendly and happy as you can see.
And last but not least, Buddy again, walking himself :) 

 And just to highlight my clumsiness..... OW!

 And another example.... LOL  JESUS!!!