
Monday, January 9, 2012

A few weeks have gone by since I last wrote.  Christmas has long since gone, as well as New Years.  Was a nice holiday, didn't get up to too much, that's for sure, which was kind of nice for a change.  Haven't had much snow here at all, we haven't had any winter at all other than just some skiffs of snow up our way.  Put it this way, we haven't put our snow tires on yet. 

Mom flew off to Barbados with Brian this morning... so jealous!!!!!!  Wish I was going with her so badly, I love that little island.  So Jeff and I are staying at Mom's for the next two weeks and looking after 2 of her 3 dogs, in addition to schlepping our two kidlets over. 

So let's see, I'm on day 57 of being nicotine free.  It's truly amazing, I don't think I give myself enough credit for that in that regard.  Huge accomplishment.  Also taking strides at bettering myself in the form of reading, writing and SSRIs.  I'm hopeful that this is going to be a great year. 

Looking forward to going to Cozumel.  Two weeks is looking too expensive so I'm thinking 10 days will be do-able but we'll have to see, won't we?  I reallllllllllllllllllly want to do our AOW certification down there, as well as go swimming with some giant whale sharks *swoon*.

That's all for now folks :) xo

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