
Thursday, January 26, 2012

So I'm kinda boring.  I read all of these other people's blogs and they're so interesting or they have graet topics.  Perhaps it's because when I sit down and open a browser to begin writing, I never know what the hell to write down.  Sure when I'm not in front of a computer, I'm full of things that I could possibly write about.

Lets see....So we finished up our 2-week stint at my mom's house/petsitting.  It was nice, the dogs were well behaved and good, but it sure is nice to come home to your own place.  Little things you don't appreciate such as your own shower, your own bed, and generally just being able to be carefree because you know it's your place.  She got home this past Monday night. 

This upcoming weekend, we were told, not invited but rather told that we were celebrating Jeff's 35th birthday with Jeff's parents, brother and his kids 3+ hours up north.  Yay, we get to go up north to cold country.  Thankfully it's only for the weekend.  It's exhausting being around his mom.  As much as I love her, it's an uphill battle when she drinks and then when she drinks she gets depressed and down on herself and it's like you constantly have to pick her up off the floor because she falls to pieces.  And Jeff's poor Dad......I don't know how he does it.  The upside is that we'll get to shoot guns up there (woo!!) and we'll get to watch the UFC event Saturday night.  I'll be taking our boys over to my mom's sometime Friday night so she can look after them for the weekend.  They'll come home exhausted no less on Sunday, which is a-okay by me.  They have fun at Nana's house.  :)

I'm getting excited about the Yoga Conference I'm attending at the end of March with Marah.  I'm also attending a free meditation and yoga workshop in February while Jeff goes up north to sanction the dog sled race (in 2 wks from now).

Reading some really good books right now, although my must-read stack at home is rediculous!  Oh well, I'll get some reading in this weekend up north. :)


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