
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

My weekend at a glance... it's now Wednesday, I realise that lol

I feel like it's been ages since I last wrote.... I had a new few days to myself while J went up north to spend some time with his parents, as well as put on this target shooting competition at one of the local gun clubs.  I ended up going to my usual Thursday night yoga sesh with Danielle and her and her mom invited me back to their place to have a drink and chat... Time flew and it was 11 and time to go home and check on the dogs that I had left behind while at my mom's house dog/house sitting.

Friday night I stayed in and watched tv and made dog food for all the dogs.

Saturday I woke up early and went to a Level 2 Hot Yoga class at Yoga Tree, which was awesome.  After having a shower, I went back up to town and dropped in on Carissa's family to see how they were doing.  I ended up spending close to 3 hours with them and it was really something beautiful to be in her room, amongst all the pictures of this beautiful soul that left this planet much, much too earlier.  We've all said that she was far too big for this earth. 

Afterwards, I was drained so I went home and chilled the rest of the evening but not before Dina and Miss Lily came over to see the boys and it was nice hanging out with her for a couple of hours. 

Sunday, I slept in because Charlie woke me up three times in the night, more than likely because it was windy as hell.  First time we woke, it was just windy.  An hour later, it was pouring rain and then the following hour it was snowing and windy as hell, so it was glare ice under it all and I almost slipped and fell in the drive way twice on Sunday morning and broke my neck.  Wouldn't be a surprise, given my being a klutz.  I went down to have lunch with Danielle from work and took the boys with me, which they very much appreciated given that they love Danielle.  She made an awesome lamb shank, mashed potatoes and ice cream for dessert.

Spent a few hours there before heading back home and waiting for Jeff to get back home from up north, to which he didn't get home til about midnight after dropping off his shit and guns at home in the safe.

I'm brutally cold at work so that's all for now. ;)

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