
Thursday, October 10, 2013

A day in the Life of (DIL)....

Day in the Life of.. chronicled from Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wake up at 5:30 a.m, had a shower last night so I'm good this morning.  Brew some coffee for Jeff to take to work, wash my face, brush my teeth and then I head to the kitchen to make lunches.  Once I'm finished making lunches, I'll feed the dogs, who are diligently sitting behind me like little Prince's waiting for their breakfast.  Between waking up and making lunches, I usually check my phone to see what's come in over night.  I don't like notifications looming so I'm a bit anxious to always clear them so I know nothing is pressing or requiring my attention.

6:00 am rolls around far too quickly and lunches are done and I've fed the dogs, they've said their goodbyes to "Daddy".  I mosey into the bedroom and put my clothes on for work for the day.  Today I'm wearing a dress with bare legs (shit it's crisp out this morning though is my afterthought).  Ignore the yoga poses, I'm doing a few challenges on Facebook so you may notice an abundance of yoga poses throughout the month of October. LOL
After I guess, we'll say around 6:15 am, I proceed to sit on my hall floor in front of my mirrored hall closets and do my makeup.  I look around to see what the dogs are doing and I see one at the bottom of the bed, laying in his bed and this would be Baxter.  He gives me a bit of an eyeball as though to say that I'm encroaching on his sleepy time.  LOL.  Charlie, I can see, is in the living room on the couch.  When I'm done doing my make up, which takes no time to do since I've got it down to a science, I decide I don't have time to make it for the 6:32 am train, so I head to the living and put a blanket on Charlie and tuck him in a give him a million kisses.  I tell him to have a good day and to be a good boy.  I repeat the same with my little Baxter, who cutely nuzzles his head deeper into my arm as I give him a snuggle before leaving.  I head out the door around 6:45 am and start walking to the GO train, which is about a 10 minute walk from our place.  Damn it's nippy out!  Should have worn stockings!!  It's not summer anymore, Lindsay.
Because I can't seem to get my shit together every damn day, today I decide to take the 7:02 train, which is delayed about 2 minutes.  I get on the train, on my usual, the second car from the front and settle in.  Check my phone for a couple of minutes then I move on to my book, current read is a Stuart Woods novel.  I read for a bit and am feeling a bit tired this morning and can feel my head bobbing so I close my book and close my eyes and wake up around 8 am not far away from Union Station.
8:10 a.m. - Delayed because of the crap going on at Union Station.  It's like herding cattle, you don't move an inch and you're literally shuffling.  Great way to start your day!  LOL  Walk to work.  Its 5 city blocks or 1 kilometer.  Get into work, take my coat off.  Get a text from a co-worker who's debating on calling in sick, I tell her to take the day it's quiet for her and she obviously needs the rest because she's been feeling crappy for a couple of weeks at least. 

Somewhere close to 9:00 a.m., I make myself a coffee.  Drink that as I'm working away.  In between working, I check a few gossip websites (lol I know, shut up, I'm just waiting for news to drop that KK is divorcing LO), I check my schedule on the website to see if my weekend pet sitting/dog walking has changed; it hasn't.  It's still insanely busy but no new additions. 
10:00 a.m. Make another coffee, have my oatmeal.  Continue working away.
Soon came 11:40 a.m. and I realise that I got to get a move on it and go change to head over to the gym if I plan on attending the Combat class at Noon. Go change quick, then walk down a couple blocks to the gym. I did a 45 minute cbst class and then walked to work. Lunches are always the same while at work Monday to Friday. Unless I meet a friend for lunch or something, my lunches are at the gym. Working not only makes me feel better physically but mentally. 
Return from the gym, doddle a bit at my desk while I'm cooling down.  Change, come back to my desk and continue doing dictation for one of the Commissioners. 
3:45 p.m. rolls around real fast and I take off my shoes and get my things together to leave and take the train home.

Hop on the train around 4:05 p.m., read a bit and then have a snooze for maybe no more than 20 minutes.  Wake up in Aurora.  I always set my phone alarm because I don't trust myself to wake up at my train stop.  After riding the train now for the last 8 years I now usually rouse around Aurora or even south of there, at King City.  But I still don't trust myself to get up .. It has happened before where I've slept through and had to go all the way to Barrie and wait for a bloody bus and take it home.  Makes for a very unhappy camper lol.
Get off the train around 5:15 p.m. and walk home.  Get in the door.  Jeff has gone to Cross Fit so it's just me and the kiddies until about 7:30 p.m. Now on this night, I end up doing some yoga and taking pictures of poses for some of the yoga challenges that I'm doing on Instagram.  The dogs have more than once photobombed pictures and there are some poses that I end up falling out of as the camera clicks away.  Oh well, sometimes you have to laugh at yourself. I will also include some other pics I took just before I changed back into my clothes after my lunch gym visit, too. 
And then some out takes lol...

I gap out and that brings us to almost 6:30 p.m.  I start watching Teen Mom 3 (don't judge lol) while prepping a stir fry for dinner.

7:00 p.m. I feed the dogs and they are overjoyed, as though I haven't fed them in MONTHS.  Such dramatic, comical fellas Charlie and Baxter are.

7:30 quickly approaches and in walks the man of the hour, Jeff.

We sit down to eat about 8:00 p.m. I guess, stirfry and couscous.  We watch Survivor while surfing our phones and Jeff playing his Playstation.  9:00 p.m. rolls around and Jeff is still playing a game with Bruce so I turn on Sons of Anarchy from Tuesday night.  Watch that and set the oven for 350 so that I have to make the banana bread that I've been saying I'd do all week.  Whip that up, put it in the oven and then immediately afterwards, I saddle up the dogs to take them for a walk because they're being especially annoying tonight, barking and just generally not listening.  I figure a walk will tire them out. 

Get back around 10:30 p.m. We ended up watching Cat Fish, the one from MTV and man was that a fucked up episode.  The cat fish was a woman that would try and get girls but lead them to believe she was a man, even down to telling Nev and Max that she'd have sex with them with a dildo that was very real looking and fake.  How does one have sex and not realise what the hell is going on?  There must be some really dumb ass people out there.  Clearly!

Not long after that, we got the boys and headed off to bed ourselves and not long after, or so it seemed, 5 am rolled around.  And much too soon.  Ugh.  Onto the next day, rinse, lather and repeat.


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