
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Christ I'm SO behind on the Blogging Challenge but I'm going to accept it and move on.

A lot has happened over the weekend since I last wrote.  Basically, in a nut shell, someone called Animal Control on me/us. I think my wonderful neighbour, who very obviously doesn't like me for whatever stupid reason, saw Jeff and I taking all his shit for the weekend to the car on Thursday night and then saw the car drive away (it is heavily tinted so you can't always tell who's in the car) and then heard the dogs squawk at her ass on Friday and just assumed we'd left te dogs all on their own. For the weekend. Now, I'm sure you can understand just as well as I just what an idiotic thing that is to have assumed. Me, dog/animal lover to the fucking core, leave behind my dogs for more than a few hours. Are you kidding me? She clearly has no idea who or what kind of a human being I am.
A knock at my door, as I got my things ready to take the kids to my moms overnight and go to an overnight pet visit myself, which I ignored because I don't answer the door to anyone if I'm not expecting you, resulted in their business card being put under the door, to which I saw and read as I headed out. Understandably I was upset, in shock and angry. Look if you have a problem, no need to be passive aggressive and escalate shit unnecessarily. I had to get ahold of Jeff and get him to call bc I was just too upset. Turns out someone thought we left them alone for the weekend and they were barking. Yeah.... no. I was with them, two, they barked but wasn't offensive or obnoxious, so were fine there and third, they wanted municipal dog registration tags. 

In the end, all is good but my neighbour is a douche bag.

My overnight visit and subsequent visit on Saturday afternoon was, however, lovely. :)

New nails. And yes fake nails are gross, I admit. I've just had mine done since the wedding because every single one of mine broke the week before.
And a pic of Charlie for good measure :)

I found this the other day and loved it.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Day 17 - Five Things on My Bucket List

1. Go to Kenya. Do I even need to explain why? I'd love to be able to say I've seen one Elephant in the wild before there are no more. Sad, but it's happening. Elephants are being butchered and babies are left mother-less. I just watched a video this morning of three babies that died after being rescued by DSWT and their efforts to save them.... It just brings me to my knees. So many lost souls, all because some bastard wants a ivory trinket or a symbol of status.
Please google David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust and Amboseli National Park and Kenya Wildlife Services. They're doing some amazing work, research and out in the field saving many orphans whose parents have been killed. 

2. Quit my corporate job downtown and do what I love - look after animals.  It's not always glamorous but its a rewarding "job" and there's nothing more that tugs at my heart when I have a happy little face excited to see me beyond the door.  As weird as it sounds, I feel most 'at home' and comfortable with animals and they are truly my happy place. 

3. Get our Advanced Open Water diving license. We were going to do while were on Barbados this September but with about 5 days worth of diving, coupled with the course and all that, it'd be about $1,700. And plus we haven't read the materials ahead of time so that would mean we have to do the class portion as well, which will tack on more time. Next trip.... We just wanted to enjoy the time but not have a tight schedule the entire 14 days.

4. Adopt a Great Dane. Such a special breed Danes are. I am head over heals in love with them. I'm particularly enamoured with Harlequins but quite honestly I'd have any colour. And while is love to get a puppy, the first year of their life can be difficult, lots of hurdles to overcome but frankly I'd like to adopt because so many are given up because people don't have a clue what life involves having these gentle giants in your life. Speaking of Danes, I get to have a sleep over on Friday night with 2 Goldens, a Golden Lab and a "fawniquin" colour Dane, the same fella I looked after a few weeks ago. Soooo excited!! :)

5. Own a house. We own a condo but not in a position to afford an astronomically priced home in the area we live. 

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Day 16 - My views on my outward appearence...

--- Jesus, this post is now two days old. lol ---

Hmm.  Well, we all know that I practically live at the gym.  I now go to the gym about 5 times a week and I've all but nixed the weekend visits because I think I was just overdoing it a bit much.  And sister needs a break every now and then.  What drives me to work out is 1) it may suck while I'm doing what I'm doing at the gym, but that endorphin/adrenalin high after, that's some awesome shit right there! 2) I feel good doing it. 3) It breaks up my day and the monotony of grabbing lunch out or going shopping, what most people do that I work with.  Sorry, not my cup of tea.  I'm infamous for blowing people off for lunch to go to the gym.  4) My dad's parents inspire me to get my ass to the gym..  They were really large, obese people and I never want to look or feel like that in my life.

I'll be quick about this cause I'm super busy but I love my eyes and love my mega-quads. :)

I don't weigh myself at all, I find it just too stressful and I go by how I feel and how my clothes feel.  Fuck numbers.  I'm much heavier than I used to be but I'm happy with where I'm at.  I couldn't be any lighter or skinnier unless I literally starved myself.

So embrace what you got ladies :)

Picture of Baxter tuckered out from being at my moms and a picture of downtown Toronto in the fog :)


Monday, August 18, 2014

A bit of recap ....

My weekend was INSANE.  I worked all bloody weekend!  I even called in sick on Friday to my regular Monday to Friday full time job, knowing how hellish of a weekend it was going to be.  It was a crazy weekend with 38 visits from Friday around 5 pm and last night at 10 pm.  And that was with another woman working because it just physically wasn't possible to be in 3 different places all at once at the same or similar times. 

Just a quick post for now and back on track with Jade's topics tomorrow...


 Can you guess what this puddle of black fur is? LOL

Here are some of the animals I had visits with this past weekend:

The below pictures were taken on Thursday night last week at a patio event at Milestones called "Yappy Hour".  It was fall weather and only the brave came out. :)

Sir Charles
Charlie stealing kisses lol
 And Sir Baxter, with my mom and then trying to get whipped cream from my hot chocolate :) 

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Farm Wedding, etc.

I've been the recipient of a few compliments as of late and they've really made my day.  One woman at the gym said it looked like I lost about 20 lbs.  Other compliments came over the weekend from the Bride and one of the fellow bridesmaids.. Both said I looked jacked and in crazy shape.  The other two compliments came from two rake thin models.... Both said I looked in amazing shape and couldn't get over it.  I was stunned to hear that out of their 6 foot tall, 100 lb mouths.  I literally don't know how to take compliments but I'm trying to be better about it.  Thanking people instead of avoidance or being modest or bashful.

And now, the Farm Wedding that I've been looking forward to now for months.  Ready for picture overload?  Okay, ready, set, GO!

Friday - Setup at the Farm


 Saturday Morning - Wedding Day

Getting ready:

The bride's inspiration for her hair


 And then here are some that I've taken from friends and saved.....
Gorgeous, right? She's not tied up in the back yet and that's me in the frame on the right. Also quite possibly the most boob-ish I've ever been lol