
Monday, August 18, 2014

A bit of recap ....

My weekend was INSANE.  I worked all bloody weekend!  I even called in sick on Friday to my regular Monday to Friday full time job, knowing how hellish of a weekend it was going to be.  It was a crazy weekend with 38 visits from Friday around 5 pm and last night at 10 pm.  And that was with another woman working because it just physically wasn't possible to be in 3 different places all at once at the same or similar times. 

Just a quick post for now and back on track with Jade's topics tomorrow...


 Can you guess what this puddle of black fur is? LOL

Here are some of the animals I had visits with this past weekend:

The below pictures were taken on Thursday night last week at a patio event at Milestones called "Yappy Hour".  It was fall weather and only the brave came out. :)

Sir Charles
Charlie stealing kisses lol
 And Sir Baxter, with my mom and then trying to get whipped cream from my hot chocolate :)