
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Happy 35th to my best friend and love. xox

Thursday, January 26, 2012

So I'm kinda boring.  I read all of these other people's blogs and they're so interesting or they have graet topics.  Perhaps it's because when I sit down and open a browser to begin writing, I never know what the hell to write down.  Sure when I'm not in front of a computer, I'm full of things that I could possibly write about.

Lets see....So we finished up our 2-week stint at my mom's house/petsitting.  It was nice, the dogs were well behaved and good, but it sure is nice to come home to your own place.  Little things you don't appreciate such as your own shower, your own bed, and generally just being able to be carefree because you know it's your place.  She got home this past Monday night. 

This upcoming weekend, we were told, not invited but rather told that we were celebrating Jeff's 35th birthday with Jeff's parents, brother and his kids 3+ hours up north.  Yay, we get to go up north to cold country.  Thankfully it's only for the weekend.  It's exhausting being around his mom.  As much as I love her, it's an uphill battle when she drinks and then when she drinks she gets depressed and down on herself and it's like you constantly have to pick her up off the floor because she falls to pieces.  And Jeff's poor Dad......I don't know how he does it.  The upside is that we'll get to shoot guns up there (woo!!) and we'll get to watch the UFC event Saturday night.  I'll be taking our boys over to my mom's sometime Friday night so she can look after them for the weekend.  They'll come home exhausted no less on Sunday, which is a-okay by me.  They have fun at Nana's house.  :)

I'm getting excited about the Yoga Conference I'm attending at the end of March with Marah.  I'm also attending a free meditation and yoga workshop in February while Jeff goes up north to sanction the dog sled race (in 2 wks from now).

Reading some really good books right now, although my must-read stack at home is rediculous!  Oh well, I'll get some reading in this weekend up north. :)


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Some things about me.....

1.When my alarm goes off each morning, the very first thing I think is: I HAVE to go to bed earlier tonight. Same shirt, different day. Rinse, lather and repeat.

2. I have an order that I drink beverages daily. I usually have 2 cups of coffee, and then I will not drink anything else until I've drank at least 2 litres of water. Then it's a free for all.
3.I used to drink a lot of coffee when I was 15/16 and then quit for some years before I ever drank coffee again.

4.I despise red wine. I'm not fond of the tannins (sp?) or the accompanied headaches that come along with it.

5. I played out the bar scene and alcohol long before I was of legal age, that's the beauty of always being the youngest one.

6. I'm a creature of habit, nothing that I do should surprise you. Spontaneity is not my forte, I like things planned out.

7. I'm your typical fair-skinned strawberry blond with a sweet temper to go along with it. :)

8. Jeff and I dated nearly six years before we got married. He proposed at the 5 year mark. I loved every second of planning the wedding, so much so that I miss it.

9. We moved in together (I think) in 2005. Prior to that we lived at home with our parents.

10. We went to Cuba for the first time on our honeymoon.

11. When I was younger up until my early 20's, I always had multiple jobs, up to three at one point.

12. We have 2 dogs that are our "children", Charlie and Baxter.

13. I don't have any siblings. Jeff has a brother. Jeff was also adopted when he was just 2 weeks old.

14. Kids: I used to think that I didn't want any children but it's funny what happens to you as you get older. I think I'd like to have one child, that's it. I'm not asking for half a dozen or anything...

15. I have an unfounded worry that I won’t be able to have kids and I'm not really sure why.

16. On the same note, I'm terrified of getting fat or becoming like my Dad's parents. I don't think I could ever, ever let myself go and not care what I look like.

17. Nothing annoys Jeff more is when I'm negative and beating myself up. I am my own worst critic.
18. I love home renovation shows, wedding planning, photography and decorating
19. I've worked in the legal field since graduating from both college programs I was in. After having been at a large Toronto firm for five years, I threw in the towel and found something that didn't make me want to kill myself on a daily basis. I'm much happier and have been with my current employer since July 2010.

20. I quit smoking on November 13, 2011 after about12 years or so give or take of smoking. It hasn't been easy but here I am and I'm proud, dammit.

21. I've never been religious but my beliefs are that there is something out there, I'm not sure what but something or someone is or was a higher being than just us humans. I don't believe that our souls die when our bodies physically die, then just move on to another plain of existence.

22.I was born in Toronto. I've lived in 3 places since I was born. Our condo in Toronto, then Newmarket when I was 6 and then moved in with Jeff in 2006 with Jeff.

23. I never have gotten a speeding ticket or been pulled over by police. Knock on wood. I have had two car accidents though, one on the highway during rush hour where I spun out and hit the guard rail several times over. The other time was just sheer stupidity, rain and darkness.

24. If I have the financial ability to quit my job and go back to school, it would be something related to animals most definitely, whether it be dogs or big animals like elephants. Then I would try to find a job in Kenya, a country that I've never been to (but intend to in 2013/2014) but I feel that is just calling out my name. I can't explain it but I know I have a greater purpose in this life.

25. I've had stitches in my right eyebrow twice in a matter of a week (bonked heads with a little girl when I was younger when I already had stitches in), I've also had stitches in my left eye (courtesy of a great storm door who's chain was far too short and the door came lurking back at my face) and then I've had maxillofacial surgery and stitches alllllllllll over and inside my mouth.

26. I've never broken a bone in my life other than perhaps a toe.

27. I always wear the same jewellery. Same earrings in my ears forever now (all 13 of them), my wedding rings, my square ring that Jeff got me and all my other piercing jewellery.

28. I love books and pretty papers and notebooks. LOL.

29. I've had braces twice. First time around after they took them off, they noticed my jaw shifting (I also had TMJ too) so they decided to remove all my wisdoms, braces back on for another year and then jaw surgery. WOO. Fun times.

30. I'd love to have the endurance to be a runner. Plus, it's so boring.

31. Must travel locations: Maldives, Galapagos Islands, Namibia, Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania, Congo, Borneo, India, Thailand, Belize... and so many more.

32. My favorite destination: Barbados, it's such a chill island and the people are fabulous there.

33. I've had two horrible, horrible, horrific sunburns in my life, once when I was in Greece and the other was when I was in Spain. Both peeled, blistered and scabbed. And then I acquired a gazillion more freckles. Such is life. lol

34. I'm a nut job for writing things down because I fear I will forget.

35. I'm 5'9. I feel as though I was gipped in height because I was estimated at birth to be in between 5'10 and 6'2. Oh well.

36. I hate the cold only because I'm always cold to begin with. Oddly enough, I live in Canada so it's not very conducive to warmer months other than say June - September.

37. The household chore I detest the most is cleaning the toilet or laundry.

38. I would love to be a vegetarian because of my beliefs but I would either perish or die of an allergic reaction. I'd definitely need to see a dietician before I went as far as that.

39. I'm a total yoga and spiritual freak and I love every second of it because it calms the chaos in my head and soothes my oh-so-lovely temper. :)

40. I write this blog because it's good for my soul to put words down on "paper" and get it out. Bottling it all up in my head does not produce favourable outcomes.

Monday, January 9, 2012

A few weeks have gone by since I last wrote.  Christmas has long since gone, as well as New Years.  Was a nice holiday, didn't get up to too much, that's for sure, which was kind of nice for a change.  Haven't had much snow here at all, we haven't had any winter at all other than just some skiffs of snow up our way.  Put it this way, we haven't put our snow tires on yet. 

Mom flew off to Barbados with Brian this morning... so jealous!!!!!!  Wish I was going with her so badly, I love that little island.  So Jeff and I are staying at Mom's for the next two weeks and looking after 2 of her 3 dogs, in addition to schlepping our two kidlets over. 

So let's see, I'm on day 57 of being nicotine free.  It's truly amazing, I don't think I give myself enough credit for that in that regard.  Huge accomplishment.  Also taking strides at bettering myself in the form of reading, writing and SSRIs.  I'm hopeful that this is going to be a great year. 

Looking forward to going to Cozumel.  Two weeks is looking too expensive so I'm thinking 10 days will be do-able but we'll have to see, won't we?  I reallllllllllllllllllly want to do our AOW certification down there, as well as go swimming with some giant whale sharks *swoon*.

That's all for now folks :) xo