Tuesday, November 11, 2014

It's my Birthday, bitches!

 Lovely pictures of fall *swoons* I just love all the colours of fall.

Sometimes I pull their dog beds together in the kitchen and we have a tender moment *swoon*
 Tired, tired puppies

 A gorgeous view from a client's backyard
Some pets I looked after this past weekend

I just love this guy^, his name is Monty

And this is my "I'm 31 now,  bitches" face.  Ugh!  lol
I'm currently... Sitting on a bus waiting for  it to leave downtown so I can head 'er home for the afternoon. I went to the gym and did a shred class and I forgot my hard boiled egg and chicken & spinach wrap :( i had planned on taking it from the fridge but totally forgot in my hurriedness to get the fuck out of the offce. Lol. A work colleague got me a fancy cupcake, which I suppose I could call "lunch".... Hmm. Should I? Or shouldn't I?

So far I've eaten half of a muffin this morning (work meeting), had two coffees,  a whey protein shake, 15 almonds, an apple and a banana at 7 am. Oh and I've already drank 2L of water. Can you say my teeth are floating?! lol 

We're going out for dinner at 7 pm. So I'm going to be starving if I don't eat anything until then. I think I'll be an awesome wife and share my cupcake with my loving hubby.

Hubby cannot keep anything a surprise or secret for long. Starting Saturday morning, in between pet visits, he started laying the seed, asking if I wanted to celebrate early. I kept saying no, leave it til my actual birthday (today). But no. That didn't happen. Lol He's so awesome in tht he knows exactly wht o like and what to buy even if I never say a word. Since I work out daily, he got me a gift card to Lululemon, merino wool socks that I love and a Swarovski crystal to add to my coveted collection. Just really thoughtful stuff from the man that loves me, imperfections and all. 
I'm feeling quite blessed this year :)

And on that note, I bid you Adieu. Back tomorrow :) 


  1. Aww definitely a blessed birthday indeed! Happy 31st lovely lady!! I hope that the rest of your day was just as amazing - sure hubby threw in a surprise or two that he managed to hide from you?? ;)
    Does sound like he seriously spoiled you rotten though - lucky! xxx


    1. Thanks love! Had a really nice day and saw my family last night, too, which was a great time. Was spoiled by all. So touched.. so blessed. Ahh :)


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